Foreign Rights List
Thomas Müller
Eagle, Bear And Marmot
Adler, Bär und Murmeltier
To the High Places with Wild Animals
No other landscape is so diverse and makes such a deep impression. From the mountain forest to the meadows, the rocky zone and high into the glaciers, mountains offer a wide variety of living environments at different heights. Many animals - even the camouflaged ones that we rarely see - call this home. They can all be discovered in this large format, practical book that shows colorful life in the mountains in all its variety.
Besides the familiar ones, like the sparrow, the fox and the bear, we discover animals that are difficult to spot and are seldom noticed because they blend in to their surroundings so well. Birds, mammals, insects, and amphibians and reptiles - for all of them the mountains are an incomparable habitat.
Cornelia Franz
Matthis has been roaming the summer forests of Norway with his dog Tara for days. He collects berries, catches fish, makes fires or swims in one of the many lakes. If it weren't for the thoughts of the fight with his parents, the words he had shouted after them, the accident... If only he wasn't always so unrestrained! Out of nowhere, a mysterious girl suddenly appears in the forest who knows how to fry earthworms. Jule speaks little, except when she tells stories about trolls. And she always disappears just as suddenly as she appeared... An adventurous summer story about loud and quiet feelings and life in nature.
Maja Nielsen, Lena Zeise
Jane Goodall
Mit Jane Goodall bei den wilden Schimpansen
The Life of the World-famous Researcher – a Story for Young Readers
Even as a young girl, Jane Goodall, the world’s best-known primate researcher, dreamed of living like Tarzan in the jungle, surrounded by wild animals. And her dream came true! This book tells her story.
Later, through a lot of effort and a stroke of good luck, this young woman who passionately loved animals and observing them won the opportunity to observe a group of chimpanzees in Tanzania’s Gombe Stream National Park. She made discoveries unlike any researchers before her. Probably no one knew our hairy relatives any better than she did!
This absorbing story and the naturalistic, atmospheric illustrations evoke the jungle and its animal residents to life for young readers, showing them as if through Jane’s own eyes.
Sabrina Maria Quint, Henrike Wilson
Max, the Vegetable Hero
Max, der Gemüseheld
Some Like It, Some Don't!
Ferdi Fox loves to eat fruit and vegetables. The other forest animals don't understand that. Just green things? That can't be right - they're not even that tasty! Ferdi starts to wonder if something is wrong with him. Wolf and Bear look on approvingly as Ferdi creeps into the barn and grabs a chicken. Soon, good smells are coming from Ferdi's kitchen. They knock on Ferdi's door asking if they can join Ferdi for lunch, and then a big surprise awaits them.
What people love to eat is always interesting to find out. This book shows that it pays to look beyond our own plates and to taste new dishes. And we learn that food eaten with friends tastes the best of all!
Beate Teresa Hanika, Kristina Andres
When Mother Fox sleeps!
Wenn Mama Fuchs schläft
When Mama Fox needs a rest . . .
When the little fox wakes, something seems different. Is it the sunbeam that shines in the foxhole? The little fox yawns and shakes himself. Then he sees it: mama fox is asleep. She didn't make breakfast and hasn't cleaned the den. As he nudges her, she just rolls over and pulls herself closer together. The little fox decides to ask the other animals. Maybe they know what's the matter with mama.
In text and delicate watercolors, here is an atmospheric and warmhearted story of how grownups also need time for themselves. And that's good for little foxes!
Bärbel Oftring, Jana Walczyk
I'll Build You A House, Little Bat!
Ich bau dir ein Haus, kleine Fledermaus
Let's Build a Home for the Bat!
This nonfiction picture book introduces us to the world of bats. Together with Sophie, Karli and their grandparents we observe bats in the garden, go on a bat hunt and build a bat shelter.
In informative double-page spreads we gather information on these tiny mammals: what they eat and how they survive throughout the year. How do they find their way, who are their enemies, and what can we do to protect them?
This story for early readers (age 4 and up) is full of factual information supported by naturalistic and informative illustrations, so that in the end readers become true bat experts.
Eilika Mühlenberg
Swimming Pool
Let's go for a Swim!
In this large-format nonfiction picture book we learn everything about the swimming pool. A simple story of a father and son – the son is afraid to swim – leads us through the colorful pages. We accompany them from the main entrance to the changing room, into the pool itself – and then from the showers, the hair drying room and the exit.
An enjoyable tour of the pool environment – lovingly illustrated and with a photo collage assembled by author Eilika Mühlenberg. With lots of small details to smile about and surprise the reader!
Julie Völk
Dragon's Birthday
Birthday Surprise for a Dragon
It’s Fred the Dragon’s birthday! And to celebrate properly, he starts the day by treating himself to coffee and milk in bed, and then a delicious breakfast before he plunges excitedly into preparing for his party. Toni and the dog will come, but unfortunately his other friends either have made other plans or it’s too far to travel. Fred bakes a cake, picks flowers, cleans and decorates. As he brings the table into the garden, he has a huge birthday surprise: all his friends are there! They were hiding in the house. So there’s a lively party with cake, candles, balloons and soap bubbles. What fun it is, when you have friends like these!
Silke Lambeck, Lena Hesse
The Ahoi Gang
Die Ahoibande
The Ahoy-Gang is coming!
How did Willi get his name? Why does Jojo disappear at every opportunity? How come Paule is always talking with Old Hannes? And: Is Schulz really an islander, even though he comes from Berlin? Those are some of the questions asked on the tiny North Sea island where the four live. Okay, make that three, since Schulz is mostly, but not always there. All the same, they are a true gang. And there's always an adventure when they get together, whether it's spring, summer, fall or winter.
What happens to them - finding beached seals or stolen Viking treasure, or taking part in an island competition - you can read it yourself. Or have someone read it to you. Or read it to others. Ahoy!
Frauke Angel, Mehrnousch Zaeri-Esfahani, Barbara Jung
Ein Liekesch für Jascha
A Story about arriving and friendship
Or: A superpowered friendship
Yasha needs to build up his upper arms, and fast, in order to be more popular in his class, or so he thinks. His gym teacher gives him tips, but Yasha thinks the only solution is that he has to have a liekesch. Where can he find one? And what will it cost? Yasha has recently arrived in Germany and doesn't really know his way around yet. But maybe the neighborhood sporting goods store has a liekesch!
The search for a liekesch leads not only to Frank, who owns the store, but to all kinds of complications and adventures . . . and to a superpowered friendship!
Daniela Kulot
Most of All, I Like to be Happy!
Am liebsten bin ich froh!
Today I'm happy! How about you?
Sometimes I’m sad, or angry, or brave. But most of all, I like to be happy!
Young children are just learning to identify and name feelings. The colorful illustrations, accompanied by simple rhymes, invite conversation and help children learn about feelings and how to live with them.
Cheerfull illustrations with familiar situations and simple rhymes!
Isabel Pin
Ada's Life
Ada Blackjack
Survival in the Arctic!
This extraordinary nonfiction book, which spans more than a hundred years of history, tells the story of a courageous young Iñupiak woman who joined a dangerous polar expedition and became the only survivor. Her name was Ada Blackjack.
Ada, born in 1898 in a small town in northwest Alaska near the Bering . We learn of Ada’s childhood and her difficult life as a young woman. In 1921, in order to provide her ill son with treatment, she joins a risky expedition as cook for four men who plan to explore an island north of Siberia. Life on the island proves very dangerous; the men perish and only Ada and her cat Victoria survive. Ada has to learn everything: how to hunt, how to shoot a gun, and how to cope with loneliness and her fear of polar bears.
Sabine Lohf
The Big Gardenbook
Die große Gartenwerkstatt
You'd like to plan your own garden? Or build an insect house? Then you came to the right place: welcome to the garden workshop! In this book you'll find information about our animal friends and about plant life, but you'll also find step-by-step instructions for planting, building and handiwork. Whether it's nettle compost in the spring, bee nectar in the summer, or pumpkin owls in the fall, there's a nature project for every time of year in the garden or on the balcony.
The newest creative workbook by Sabine Lohf turns the garden into a discovery zone for nature lovers young and old. There are lots of ideas to try out and have fun trying - a rich resource for the entire family!
Cornelia Boese, Dorota Wünsch
Beginning of Term
Lottes erster Schultag
Adventures on the Big Day!
How could anyone oversleep on the first day of school? Everything is so exciting! Lotte is quivering with energy. Her brand-new backpack is full of treasures waiting to be used: notebooks, a reader, pencils, a sharpener and an eraser, a new sandwich bag – all of the things on Mom’s long shopping list. Lotte’s cuddle-pig “Monster” was not actually on the list. But the night before, the pencils, notebooks and readers came alive and created a big stir. The little pig stepped up and made sure that everything returned to its proper place. Exhausted, Monster fell asleep in Lotte’s backpack, and so, just this once, Monster is allowed to come along with Lotte as a mascot.
An amusing gift for first-time schoolkids getting up the nerve to face the big day!

Rotraut Susanne Berner
Rotraut Susanne Berner has designed just such a book whose large-format pictures show a whole town and its surroundings: a house for several families, a farm, a rail way station, a community centre, a market place, a multi storey department store, and a large park. These pictures tell many little stories of things that happen to people and animals on a winter day, and every child can follow these stories. And since there are plenty of stories to tell about this town throughout the year Rotraut Susanne Berner designed a book for each season. So now everybody can discover for himself how life in the town and its surroundings changes over the year: What kind of games children play and how long it takes for the construction work on the new nursery to be completed.
Rights sold to Belgium/The Netherlands, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Faroe Islands, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Israel, Lithuania, Mongolia, Norway, Poland, Portugal Romania, Russia, Spain, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukra

Rotraut Susanne Berner
Rotraut Susanne Berner has designed just such a book whose large-format pictures show a whole town and its surroundings: a house for several families, a farm, a railway station, a community centre, a market place, a multistorey department store, and a large park. These pictures tell many little stories of things that happen to people and animals on a autumm day, and every child can follow these stories. And since there are plenty of stories to tell about this town throughout the year Rotraut Susanne Berner designed a book for each season. So now everybody can discover for himself how life in the town and its surroundings changes over the year: What kind of games children play and how long it takes for the construction work on the new nursery to be completed.
Rights sold to Belgium/The Netherlands, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Faroe Islands, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Israel, Lithuania, Mongolia, Norway, Poland, Portugal Romania, Russia, Spain, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukra

Rotraut Susanne Berner
Rotraut Susanne Berner has designed just such a book whose large-format pictures show a whole town and its surroundings: a house for several families, a farm, a rail way station, a community centre, a market place, a multi storey department store, and a large park. These pictures tell many little stories of things that happen to people and animals on a summer day, and every child can follow these stories. And since there are plenty of stories to tell about this town throughout the year Rotraut Susanne Berner designed a book for each season. So now everybody can discover for himself how life in the town and its surroundings changes over the year: What kind of games children play and how long it takes for the construction work on the new nursery to be completed.
Rights sold to Belgium/The Netherlands, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Faroe Islands, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Israel, Lithuania, Mongolia, Norway, Poland, Portugal Romania, Russia, Spain, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukra

Bärbel Oftring, Theresa Schwietzer
Tracking Wolves
Following the belief that understanding is the
way to conquer fear, this atmospherically illustrated fact-based book introduces the reader to the life of a family of wolves.
We trace the footsteps—or paw prints—of a young wolf, see how a wolf pack is initially formed, learn about life within the pack, and experience how the next generation of wolves leaves the pack and sets out on its own. Inside the large-format flaps there are attractive infographics and texts that explain facts about wolves' biology and how to interact with them.
With 4 large flaps
Contains many facts about the biology, life, and behavior of wolves, as well as maps that show its habitats in Germany and Europe.
Anita van Saan, Theresa Schwietzer
Little Elephant
Der kleine Elefant
The sun has set in the African savanna. A small elephant beholds the light of the world for the first time. Already the following morning it joins the herd walking through the dry landscape. Fortunately, the large elephants are paying attention. While the little one is growing, there is so much to learn. It's a special treat when the rains come and the little elephant can bathe in the waterhole - just like the other animals in the savanna. In this nonfiction primer with atmospheric illustrations, we follow the little elephant and its herd through the dry and rainy seasons of the savanna, and we learn about the other animals and plants that share the environment.
Judith Burger, Nele Palmtag
Luke, Mimi and the Scare Commando
Luke, Mimi und das Schreckkommando
Thomas Müller
Animals On The Farm
Tiere auf dem Bauernhof
Dirk Reinhardt
No Alternative
No Alternative
"We can't just talk ourselves out of it because the others aren't doing it! That doesn't change anything!" Emma Larsen has decided to do something to save our planet. The brave young activist is ready to risk everything for it. After her friend died during a consciousness-raising demonstration against the pharma giant PLS, she adopts the label NO ALTERNATIVE and goes underground. A heart-stoppingly suspenseful scene on top of the Frankfurt radio tower brings the radical environmental group into public view. And that's just the beginning . . .
Exciting, explosive and up-to-the-minute - in his newest novel, Dirk Reinhardt once again captures the spirit of our times.
Mehrdad Zaeri
Who kisses Whom?
Wer küsst wen?
Here's a traveler wearing a hat and carrying a suitcase full of secrets - where's he headed? Those people waiting for the bus at Kiss Street - do they know each other? Does Knut Konrad always wear checkered pants? And who's that kissing Eleonore, the woman selling grilled bananas?
Thanks to the divided foldout pages, the pictures can be combined endlessly in different ways. This is a poetic picture-art adventure by the exceptional artist Mehrdad Zaeri.
Rotraut Susanne Berner
Christian Morgenstern, Philip Waechter
The Three Sparrows
Die drei Spatzen
Die Drei Spatzen (The Three Sparrows) is probably Morgenstern's most popular poem for children. Its simple message stirs children and adults alike even today. Philip Waechter's illustrations bring us close to the three small sparrows - so close that we can almost see their tiny hearts beating. There they sit cozily, the three sparrows on their branch, despite the snow and the cold, trusting that one day soon they'll fly again in the springtime sun. . .
Thomas Müller
Animals In The Forest
Tiere im Wald
This close-to-nature and lovingly-illustrated picture book invites small animal fans to see the shy forest dwellers up close and to learn many exciting facts about them
Daniela Kulot
We travel to the Land of Color
Wir reisen ins Farbenland!
But not for long. Along the way the bus stops again and again, and new passengers enter: in Redland, the tomatoes; in Yellowland, bananas; in Greenland, frogs. Come along and join us - there's a surprise around every corner!
A fun-filled book about the world of color.
Volker Mehnert, Paulina Eichhorn
The Dream of Gold
Der Traum vom Gold
From the world's legendary first marathon runner to the icons of sport today: a book about the great moments in sports history. Whether famous boxer or young exceptional swimmer, whether fearless ski jumper or ingenious chess grandmaster: They all had the dream to belong to the very greats of their discipline - and they all wrote sports history. This is their story told in a captivating way!
The Dream of Gold brings the fascination of great triumphs and tragic defeats very close. Paulina Eichhorn's illustrations show the great moments of sport as if in close-up. Thus, the book conveys a fascinating picture of the unforgettable sports icons from the legendary first marathon runner in the world to the greats of sports today!

Ilka Sokolowski, Sophie Schmid
Celebrating Throughout the Year
Wir feiern durch das ganze Jahr
What does “Rosenmontag” have to do with roses? When is “the Tag des Buches”? Why do Christians celebrate Christmas? The answers to these and many other exciting questions can be found in this colorful non-fiction book for the entire family: across 112 elaborately illustrated pages, it offers a wealth of background information and suggestions for the nicest regional, national, and international holidays and traditions. Included are arts & crafts tips, recipes, poems, and folk wisdom for the most important Christian, Jewish, and Muslim festivities. Old and new traditions throughout the year are waiting to be rediscovered and celebrated.
This is a lovingly designed manual for browsing through. It’s perfect for families, schools, and preschools. With this book, almost every day is a holiday!

Bärbel Oftring, Theresa Schwietzer
Along the way, we learn about the distribution of brown bears, about the bear's body and food, and what to watch out for when in an area frequented by bears. And what to do if you actually encounter a bear.
On panoramic gatefold pages we learn everything about bears - and what conditions are necessary for bears and humans to coexist.
The book is conscientiously researched by biologist Bärbel Oftring and accurately and beautifully presented by Theresa Schwietzer.
Maja Nielsen
The Tunnelbuilder
Der Tunnelbauer
secure and Chris, the girl he secretly loves, seems to like him too. But everything changes overnight with the building of the Wall, the GDR regime takes a tougher tone. Distrust, persecution and arrests are the order of the day. When one of his friends ends up in prison, Achim makes a difficult decision he must get out of East Berlin and leave everyone he loves behind. Once on the other side, he does everything he can
to help people escape from the GDR. Together with other helpers, he digs tunnels from West to East Berlin in constant fear of being discovered by the Stasi and full of hope that one day he will see Chris again.
A gripping novel about the legendary tunnel escapes from the GDR, based on a true story.
Volker Mehnert, Lena Kathinka Schaffer
Let's Celebrate Today!
Heute feiern wir!
The informative non fiction picture book with its cheerful and colourful hidden pages lets preschool and primary school children participate in the life of children in other cultures and their festivals.
Christmas in Austria - Easter in Ethiopia - Sugar Feast in Morocco - New Years in China - Thanksgiving in Canada - Hanukkah in Israel - Midsommer in Sweden
Rotraut Susanne Berner
The Big Word Wimmelbook
Das große Wörterwimmelbuch
On the bottom of each double-page spread, a border depicts and names various things from the respective Wimmel picture. The selected items on the margin relate to a different theme on each page. In this way, the Wimmel books support language acquisition in a playful way.
Sabine Lohf
Lemon Yellow And Fire Red
Zitronengelb und Feuerrot
This visual school, which at the same time promotes language, is fun for even the youngest children and opens up the colourful world to them. And it encourages painting and crafting!
Recommended as a visual school and for language development.
Frank Schwieger, Anne Bernhardi
Richard at the Knight's Castle
Richard auf der Ritterburg
With many illustrations and factual information about the Middle Ages.

Stephanie Schneider, Henrike Wilson
Tambo der kleine Elefant Midi-Ausgabe
Tambo, der kleine Elefant
Werner Holzwarth, Daniela Kulot
Say 'Thank You', You Frog!
Sag mal DANKE, du Frosch!
A tongue-in-cheek and warm-hearted story about two little words with a big meaning.
Julie Völk
Kleine Schwester, große Schwester
Julie Völk tells the story of two sisters in clear, reduced images with bright color accents. In doing so, she cleverly combines "pretend play" with the relationship between the two. As clear and focused as the story is, as strong is the homage to play and the childlike imagination.
Karsten Teich
Grandpa goes camping
Paul und Opa zelten
dinner? And why is it so quiet in the forest?
A new fun adventure with Paul and Grandpa, where children learn a lot about nature and everything about camping!
Sabine Lohf
Sommer, Sonne, Sand und mehr!
on vacation or at home, this book shows big and small crafters how much fun it is to get creative indoors or outdoors in the summer. Whether a sun hat for the next trip to the beach, a meadow flower wreath for a flower festival, a bark boat to float: the easy to follow instructions set no limits to the imagination and encourage you to create lots of colourful artworks from nature's treasures and a few craft supplies to give
away, decorate and play with. This makes summer really beautiful!

Rotraut Susanne Berner
Rotraut Susanne Berner has designed just such a book whose large-format pictures show a whole town and its surroundings: a house for several families, a farm, a rail way station, a community centre, a market place, a multi storey department store, and a large park. These pictures tell many little stories of things that happen to people and animals on a spring day, and every child can follow these stories. And since there are plenty of stories to tell about this town throughout the year Rotraut Susanne Berner designed a book for each season. So now everybody can discover for himself how life in the town and its surroundings changes over the year: What kind of games children play and how long it takes for the construction work on the new nursery to be completed.
Rights sold to Belgium/The Netherlands, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Faroe Islands, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Israel, Lithuania, Mongolia, Norway, Poland, Portugal Romania, Russia, Spain, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukra
Rotraut Susanne Berner
Volker Mehnert, Claudia Lieb
Underground Worlds Of Wonder
Unterirdische Wunderwelten
But it's not just nature that has created underground wonders; humans have created them too. Ancient cave cities, secret structures in the depths, and engineering feats like the Gotthard Tunnel are just some of the places we'll explore on our foray through the underworld.
Let's take a trip around the world to 18 hidden places full of legends and secrets!
Stepha Quitterer, Claudia Weikert
Pepe and the Octopus - Escape from the Waste Mafia
Pepe und der Oktopus auf der Flucht vor der Müllmafia
An eleven-year-old boy and an octopus are on the run from the waste mafia. Men in magpie-blue suits, brutal profiteers, want to get rid of the octopus, which the sea animals have sent out to convince people to stop dumping their plastic waste into nature and to ban plastic altogether.
A wild, constantly surprising and funny chase halfway around the world, a thrilling road trip, realistic environmental thriller and a story of an extraordinary friendship.
Linguistically witty, fast-paced, original and told with a modern sensibility – the new story by Stepha Quitterer is a must-have for all young fans of James Bond and Indiana Jones!
Werner Holzwarth, Dorota Wünsch
Die Superkrabbler
Lena Zeise
How the Cat Came to Us
Wie die Katze zu uns kam
Egyptian deity or shipboard mouse catcher, heroine of fairy tales and myths or beloved pet: it is impossible to imagine our lives without cats! For many thousands of years, they have had a place in our homes, yards and hearts. We accompany the cat on its foray through world events - from the hearths of our Stone Age ancestors to its celebrity appearance in millions of YouTube clicks .
This book gives a fascinating account of the many ways those velvet paws came to us - and have stayed until today! Innovative comic strips complement the informative text and animate the stories of these whiskered protagonists in an entertaining way.

Rotraut Susanne Berner
Wimmlinger Storybook
Geschichten aus Wimmlingen
The rhymed texts are easy to read aloud, are soon spoken along with and thus promote language acquisition.

Rotraut Susanne Berner
At Home in Wimmlingen
Zu Hause in Wimmlingen
This kind of house has lots of stories to tell. Rotraut Susanne Berner invites us in and introduces us to the people and animals who live there. We can not only take a close look inside, like a doll’s house, but walk through the rooms, see things from a new perspective and get reacquainted with old friends. Rhyming text by the artist makes this book fun to read for the whole family. A perfect introduction to Rotraut Susanne Berner’s Wimmel world, and a must for those who already call Wimmlingen home.
Sold to Belgium/The Netherlands, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Italy, Poland, Russia, Romania, Slovenia and China
Kathrin Wolf, Isabel Kreitz
In an Old House in Berlin
In einem alten Haus in Berlin
Detailed pictures teeming with activity and informative captions make history easier to grasp, and bring Berlin to life!

Bärbel Oftring, Jana Walczyk
I build you a House, little Hedgehog!
Ich bau dir ein Haus, kleiner Igel
The flaps reveal exciting information about the hedgehog and how you can protect it. With the step-by-step instructions at the end of the book, readers can build a house to shelter a hedgehog all year round.

Claudia H.M. Hangen, Alessa Dostal
The Life of a Porpoise in the North Sea
Der kleine Wal und das Meer
What will he experience in his first years of life? In this atmospheric non-fiction picture book, we watch as the small harbor porpoise takes his first breath. We come along as he explores the mysterious underwater world, encounters sea urchins, shipwrecks, and squid, and hunts herring (yikes - be careful of the Orca!).
As the little whale grows up, he goes on his first long journey north to Norway before returning to his homeland, and then even starts a family of his own in the maritime area off of the island Sylt.
This unusual picture book with its large-scale illustrations introduces us to these special and, sadly, endangered marine animals. We learn a lot about their habitat, mating.
Johannes Herwig
Half Lion
Halber Löwe
The last year of school begins for Sascha. Hanging out in the condemned house and increasingly dangerous tests of courage with his buddies: Is this what the rest of his life looks like? And then something happens. Something that shatters everything that used to be and calls into question everything that can still be. To duck away any further - impossible.
Rough in the sound of the street, full of heart underneath: in his new novel, Johannes Herwig tells of a friendship that seems to be above everything, and of the difficulty of taking responsibility. For those you care about - and for yourself.
Rotraut Susanne Berner
Birthday in Wimmlingen
Geburtstag in Wimmlingen
Today Linus turns five years old, and he's thrilled about the birthday party he'll celebrate with his five friends. In the yard, the table is set, the guests all bring cool presents, and everyone's enjoying the celebration until . . . the sun disappears behind thick gray clouds. Luckily, Linus' father Oliver put up a tent last night, so the party can continue. Anyone who looks closely can see that not just the children are celebrating - there are some animal creatures enjoying the party too!
An ideal birthday gift - illustrated and told in witty rhymes by Rotraut Susanne Berner.
Antje Damm
What's Happening There?
Was passiert denn da?
A dog in a basket, a vacuum cleaner and a cat, and a boy who peeks through a keyhole…
guess what happens next! Then turn the page and get ready for a surprise.
Two pictures tell a short story - sometimes they’re drawn, sometimes they’re photographs, sometimes they’re collages. They invite the reader to look carefully, find the meaning, then tell the story. They’ll make you look, amaze you, make you laugh, and make you guess!
Kirsten Traynor, Carim Nahaboo
Leaving Home
Der große Schwarm
Henrietta is a scout, a so-called field bee. Though she spent her youth inside the hive working, now she has a big responsibility outside - she has to find a new home for the bee colony! The colony has grown too large for the many worker bees to survive. And so Henrietta leaves home with a huge swarm --thousands of her sisters. But where will the bees find a new home?
Dive into the fascinating world of bees and join them on their journey! Bee expert Kirsten Traynor knows lots of amazing stories about a largely unknown part of these fascinating insects' lives. Accompanied by wonderful illustrations, these stories bring the bee colony to life.
Judith Homoki, Martin Haake
At the Sea!
Am Meer
Where is the land where pepper grows? Why is there ebb and flow? Who landed before Columbus in America? And why do we love a holiday at the seashore? Welcome to a trip around the oceans of the Earth, from the Wattenmeer mud flats to Waikiki, from Brighton to the Barrier Reef, from the time the first fish brought life to the land to the coastal metropolises of today.
This sumptuously illustrated book draws us into the world of coasts Richly detailed large format illustrations show critical developments of human life at the seashore, at different eras and in different regions of the Earth Alternating with these are meticulous maps of the oceans with current facts, meaningful events, and important personalities.
Rights sold to Bulgaria, Spain, USA (English world rights), France, Hungary, Italy and Greece
Henrike Wilson
Felix and His Monster
Felix und sein Monster
Felix would be content with life, and with himself, if he just weren't so afraid! He often has this feeling that something scary is lurking ahead. He gets spooked easily and then he worries about what the other kids will think of him. Then one day he gets into a terrible rage about this fear he can't shake. He takes it out in wild scribbling on a piece of paper. What's left is a monster! A super-cool monster!
Henrike Wilson writes with great sensitivity about finding the courage to face one's fears. A book about courage and friendship - and a very special monster!
Daniela Kulot
In the Night
In der Nacht
What does the cat do at night? She sits on the roof and watches. What does an owl do at night? And the ship in the harbour? There’s so much to discover at night! Many animals are active, but there are workers out too You could just sit by the window, and watch, and almost forget about bedtime!
A picture book to look at again and again until it’s time for bed
Thomas Müller
Hamster, Stork and Swallowtail
Hamster, Storch und Schwalbenschwanz
An intact cultivated landscape is like a colourful mosaic: meadows, pastures, fields, tree groves and hedges. Crossed by pathways, waterways and rows of blossoms, it’s a rich environment for plants and animals. And it’s good for humans, too!
This large format, splendidly illustrated book is dedicated to the animals that make their homes here, and displays them in all their diversity. A few animals owe their names to this biosphere! But more than just field mice and meadowlarks can be found; countless birds and mammals are native to this environment. We learn about the most important and most interesting ones, and with a little luck, we’ll recognize them on our next visit to the pasture.
Award-winning illustrator Thomas Müller renders the lively environment of countryside and fields in every detailed brushstroke.
Silke Vry, Claudia Lieb
The Dinosaur at the Rock. The Adventures of the First Bone Hunters.
Der Dinosaurier im Fels
A twelve-year old girl stands alone on the rough cliffs of southern England and taps rhythmically with a hammer against the rock; two renowned scientists compete for a discovery in a »fight to the bones«; one day, a young adventurer peeks into the empty eye sockets of a Tyrannosaurus rex... this book tells the suspenseful stories of the first fossil hunters. At a time when most people still believed that the Earth was just a few thousand years old, and few imagined that giant prehistoric lizards once ruled the planet, these hardy pioneering researchers were literally prying dinosaur bones out of the rock – and proving just the opposite to a skeptical world.
With many illustrations, fossil and research profiles, and appendices.
Cornelia Franz, Petra Baan
Wild Land
Matthis has been roaming the summer forests of Norway with his dog Tara for days. He collects berries, catches fish, makes fires or swims in one of the many lakes. If it weren't for the thoughts of the fight with his parents, the words he had shouted after them, the accident... If only he wasn't always so unrestrained! Out of nowhere, a mysterious girl suddenly appears in the forest who knows how to fry earthworms. Jule speaks little, except when she tells stories about trolls. And she always disappears just as suddenly as she appeared... An adventurous summer story about loud and quiet feelings and life in nature.
Sabine Lohf
Winter is Lovely!
Der Winter ist schön!
Winter is the best time of year to create and play! Whether an ice princess, a cork reindeer, or a pine cone angel: starting with simple materials like these you can make great gifts for Christmas or St. Nicholas. Nature provides lots of material for making things - did you know that you can make many things with snow besides a snowman? And if it's really cold, so much the better. Take frozen coloured water, and one, two, three: you've got giant ice marbles. Give it a try!
This inviting book with its child-friendly and colorful ideas for indoor and outdoor projects will lead to hours of song, play and crafting.Winter was never so fun!
Ute Krause
Are They Coming Too?
Feiern die auch mit?
December is the loveliest month in the year - and certainly the most stressful, at least when planning gifts for everyone in a 41-person blended family. Even when that particular problem is solved (thanks to a lucky inspiration), there are lots of challenges to meet before all the Christmas trees, holiday meals and presents have reached their final destinations. But no matter how much hustle and bustle goes into the preparations, by the time of the snowball fight - complete with stale dumplings from Christmas dinner - everyone -- robbers, princesses and dragon children alike - is filled with the Christmas spirit. This is an action-packed, jolly Christmas tale with enchanting highlights for everyone -- not just blended families.
Volker Mehnert, Claudia Lieb
Magical Places
Magische Orte
There are places in the world that have their own special magic. A peak like Mount Everest, surrounded by myths and secrets. Or lonely Easter Island, with its stone giants - a mystery even today. Then there is legendary Atlantis: no one knows if it really existed. A crevice in Iceland, the meeting place of two continents full of unimaginable power. These are some sites, places and even cities that have their own "magic", or at least leave a magical impression on humans, even if it's pure fantasy!
This book leads us on a world tour of 18 magical sites. It's no ordinary journey, but a wild, daring trip never undertaken before!
Acclaimed artist Claudia Lieb's evocative illustrations bring the magic of these special places to life!
Atlantis - An Ancient Myth of Humankind
Thingvellir - The Parliament in the Continental Divide
Stonehenge - The Dance of the Giants
Lorelei - The Charming Maiden of the Rhine
Delphi - Sacred Oracle at the Hub of the Universe
Timbuktu - The Mirage at the Edge of the Desert?
Brandberg Mountain - Art Museum under the Sky
Tutankhamun's Grave - Buried for 3,000 Years in Desert Sands
Jerusalem - Birthplace of Three World Religions
Mount Everest - The Roof of the Earth
Mount Tai Shan - The Stairway to Heaven
Fujiyama - The Most Beautiful Mountain on Earth?
Uluru - The Memorial in Sandstone
Easter Island - The Home of the Stony Giants
Macchu Picchu - Ghost City in the Mountain Peaks
Palenque - Sunken in the Ancient Jungle
Mesa Verde - Life on the Precipice
The Milky Way -- Magical Flickerings from the Starry Sky
Mehrdad Zaeri, Werner Holzwarth
Winter of the Squirrel
Der Winter des Eichhörnchens
Squirrel is young, and life is beautiful! Gathering nuts, burying them, and having a good winter - no problem at all!
Then, squirrel grows old. Gathering nuts and burying them takes a lot of energy. Finding the nuts again is an even bigger problem - especially when one forgets what one was looking for! It's enough to make a squirrel tired, a little sad, even angry!
Then, everything starts to make sense again.
Mehrdad Zaeri's magical illustrations invoke the inner life of a squirrel. A positive parable of life in this picture book story written by Werner Holzwarth.
Christiane Schwabbaur, Henrike Wilson
Happy Penguins
Pinguin im Glück
It's the scene at the Pole: a penguin standing. Here comes another, wearing a scarf. Then another, with a cap. They stand together that way as the winter wind blows. Then comes another, passing all the others by. One that follows its beak and clearly has a goal in mind. That runs and does a cannonball splash into the blue water, just for fun! Have you ever heard of such a thing? Luckily, joy is contagious, and pretty soon all the penguins are romping around in the water, splashing and snorting. We'd love to join them.
It's hard to imagine a funnier, more focused depiction of a transformation from gloom into pure joy and happiness. Warning: it's contagious!
Julie Völk
Rainy Dragon Days
Actually, Toni and the dog wanted to spend the rainy day on the sofa - with pillows and cocoa and books. Then the doorbell rang and in walked Fred, an elegant dragon and a great friend, carrying an umbrella. Fred needed to pee, but Toni's loo was much too small for a dragon. What to do? Toni and the dog offer suggestions, but none of them seem right for a dragon with style. After all, who has ever seen a dragon peeing against a tree? No one! Fred has to deal with it, because it's becoming urgent. So he sweeps up his friends and sets them on his back for a flight to Dragonland, where there are magnificent floating pagodas . . .
Julie Völk's atmospheric picture worlds are not just an homage to cozy rainy days. The artist manages to tell a witty dragon adventure story while addressing a need that we all, not just dragons, sometimes have when we need to find a private place to go.
Sold to Brazil and New Zealand (English World Rights)
Ute Krause
When Will They Ever Leave?
Wann gehen die wieder?
During a moonlit night a family of robbers, each carrying a little red suitcase, trots through the woods. Why is that? Well, the robber children are sometimes with their papa and sometimes with their mama. The children have two homes, which accounts for the suitcases. They have two birthday parties, two sets of rules, and two toothbrushes. But they're not at all eager to make friends with Papa's new girlfriend and all of her prince and princess children. The robber children succeed in chasing away the entire princess household, but then they realize it's not going to solve their problem. They take an altogether different approach, with the result that this jolly and optimistic blended family story has a brilliant ending.
Rights sold to Russia, Hungary, Korea, The Netherlands, Spain (with Catalan)
Ilka Sokolowski, Janine Czichy
Wild Life on the Meadow
Wildes Leben auf der Wiese
Have you ever seen a meadow up close? Then you know that it's full of things that creep, crawl, and buzz! But meadows are home not only to insects and spiders, but also birds, mammals and reptiles. Do you know, for example, where a harvest mouse builds its nest, or how long marmots sleep?
This non-fiction book for children shows us very special meadows like the Alm and the fascinating Feuchtwiese. We learn about meadow orchards, alpine meadows, pastures, swamps, wildflower meadows and wildflower strips. Every meadow is home to its own special plants and animals. Short descriptions and lifelike drawings brings us closer to the varied life of the meadow. And several viewing tips help us identify one hidden animal or another!
And for someone who wants to grow their own meadow, there are tips for laying one out - even a small wildflower meadow on the balcony!

Bärbel Oftring, Jana Walczyk
Look, A Snail!
Schau mal, eine Schnecke!
Among the fold-out pages is lots more exciting and fascinating information about the land snail and its relatives.
We learn what a snail king is and why snails can creep upside-down and even over razorblades without getting hurt.
• With many fold-out pages
• Comes with a snail explorer’s journal
• A lovingly illustrated nonfiction picture book about a seemingly inconspicuous animal with astounding abilities
Cornelia Franz
Swing High
Swing High
Hamburg, Summer 1939. As the Second World War looms ever closer, Henri and his friends spend a seemingly carefree summer together. They meet at the swimming pool or in the park, and someone always brings a gramophone along - and then things really heat up! Jazz music enchants the "Swingbuddies" with their relaxed "joie de vivre". But this music is a thorn in the Nazis' side.
It's a dangerous dance on a volcano. One evening when Henri and his girlfriend encounter a Gestapo patrol, they find themselves caught up in a matter of life and death . . .
This book, based on true stories of the Hamburg Swing Dance youth from 1939 to 1941, tells the suspenseful story of an uprising in the middle of World War II. The "Swings" were brave, uncompromising and full of life!

Rotraut Susanne Berner
Monika and Mingus
Monika und Mingus
Vitali Konstantinov
All the Money in the World
Alles Geld der Welt
But what is money really? Coins, bills, something stored in the bank? What about something complicated, like cryptocurrencies? Money is a huge subject. Who invented it, and when and why? What was trade like before money? And why is money divided up so unequally?
Ever since money has existed, there have been arguments about what it is. A means to an end, or an end in itself? A thing, or an idea? A blessing or a curse? There has been every possible explanation.
And yet, money remains a puzzle.
With the help of this entertaining but informative graphic nonfiction book, at last we can begin to understand this puzzle and perhaps even become skilled money managers!
Rights sold to Belgium/The Netherlands, France, China (simplified Chinese Characters), Russia, Spain, Taiwan (Complex Chinese Characters), Japan and Italy
Frank Schwieger, Anne Bernhardi
Julia in Ancient Rome
Julia im Alten Rom
In the year 64 CE, eleven-year-old Julia is on a mission. In the metropolis of Rome, which is home to millions, she must locate Daniel Maltinus, the one doctor who can save her severely ill father. What follows is a race against time that takes Julia from her home in exclusive Esquilino to the senators at the Roman Forum, to the Subura, the poor people's quarter, and then to the Emperor's Palace. With Julia leading the way, we learn about the lives of the ancient Romans, the history of their immense Empire, and the famous landmarks of the ancient city: the temples, theaters and baths, the Circus Maximus and the Gladiator School. We even meet Emperor Nero himself!
Jens Sparschuh, Julia Dürr
Julia and Her Little Great-Grandfather August
Julia und ihr kleiner Urgroßvater
When Julia arrives in Gross Neuendorf, August is waiting for her at the bus stop. Joyfully he tosses his hat into the air. "We'll do something special every day!" he says happily. Julia likes to sit on the bench in August's workshop watching him as he works. August tells her about earlier times - like when he was a ferryman on the river. Sometimes Tim comes to visit. Then they all go fishing. When August gets tired, Julia sits on his bed and tucks him in. Back in school, Julia's thoughts often return to August. One afternoon in October Julia and her mother return to Gross Neuendorf. Lying on the hat rack is a cross with a bow . . .
A lovely story about the things that bind together the very young and the very old.

Daniela Kulot
Soon You'll be Well Again, Little Cat!
Bald bist du gesund, kleine Katze!
The cat is sick,
Lies weak on the bed,
Her toes hurt,
And so does her head . . .
Everyone gets sick sometimes, whether they're small or grown up. What we need then, above all, is a little bit of comforting - from someone who'll hug us, love us, warm us up and take us in their arms.
A book for reading together, to give as a get-well gift, as heart-warming as a hug
Silke Lambeck, Barbara Jung
My Friend Otto, the Blue Wonder, and I
Mein Freund Otto, das Blaue Wunder und ich
At eight in the morning, the air is already warm and sweet-smelling. Matti is finally allowed to go barefoot, and it's clear that summer is here! There's nothing better than going to the pool! But, as Matti and Otto stand before the entrance, the Blue Wonder is closed. There's no money to renovate it. Where do they go now? The pool is the answer to every, yes every question in the summertime! Otto and Matti decide they've got to do something! In the end, the swimming pool belongs to everyone, especially the children.
A summertime story with an urban setting about adults who give up too easily and kids that take charge. It's about endless summer days at the most beautiful swimming pool in the city and about how together, things go easier, even if once in a while someone has to break the rules.

Stefanie Jeschke
Meerkats on the Loose!
Die Erdmännchen sind los!
Attention! Ten meerkats have escaped, and now they're making a leisurely tour of the zoo! To follow them you'll need nimble feet and eagle eyes. These clever characters are very curious, and they want to have fun. While some of them are busy admiring the stylish haircuts of other zoo animals, others are playing pick-up sticks with a porcupine or frolicking with the penguins. The action shifts from one continent to another in this zoo. You're guaranteed not to spot them the first time, so before you know it, the tour starts all over again. It's a never-ending creature comedy!
A separate page reveals which animals the meerkats visit.
Maja Nielsen, Sophie Schmid
Maria Sibylla Merian
Maria Sibylla Merian
In 1699 Maria Sibylla Merian travels to the tropical rainforest in Surinam. Accompanied only by her daughter Dorothea, she commences her great ambition: observing and drawing insects in every stage of their development. For years, Sibylla has been fascinated by the way caterpillars transform into gorgeous butterflies. This book recounts the childhood of the famous artist and naturalist; of her courageous journeys into ancient forests, and of the origin of her stunning books that even today have no equal.
Simple text boxes contain facts and background details appropriate for young readers. Lively illustrations stimulate our interest in the magical world of insects and the life of an unusual, self-confident woman.
Ute Krause
Nora and the Great Bear
Nora und der Große Bär
“So what was the Great Bear like?”
“As big and old as the forest”, said Nora, “and just as beautiful.”
First published in 1989, “Nora and the Great Bear” quickly became a classic picture book. Now author/illustrator Ute Krause has created completely new illustrations to accompany the text, and once again she invites us into the magical winter forest.
Julie Völk
A Time When Wishing Still Helped
Zur Zeit, wo das Wünschen noch geholfen hat
This selection of stories unites familiar and beloved tales with a few others that deserve to be discovered anew. Julie Völk guides us through enchanted waterways, through thick forests and breathtaking mountain landscapes; she shows us magical gardens and pauses while we marvel at secret cottages and mighty palaces.
There are strange creatures to discover, along with clever girls and boys; witches playing tricks, and yes, even the Devil is at work. Just as the tales themselves enter our dreams, make us shiver and sometimes cause us to laugh out loud, the illustrations cast their own spell. In numerous vignettes and colorful larger scenes, Julie Völk presents the stories anew in her own unique style. She references the familiar while calling our attention to new details. This treasury of stories becomes, in the best sense, a gift to all - children will discover countless details, and in the red-and-white vignettes they will "read" the stories on their own; more seasoned readers will be surprised by new perspectives. The pictures, like the stories, allow us to travel back in time, but they remain modern and fresh. The unique environment created by these intimate, yet powerful pictures will enchant young and old alike.
Sabine Lohf
Hurray! Autumn is Here!
Hurra, der Herbst ist da!
The leaves are falling, the birds are flying south, we're jumping in puddles or flying kites: no other time of year is so colourful or offers so many lovely handicraft materials, like chestnuts and pine cones. This book shows what we can craft with all the treasures fall has to offer. We can make witches' cottages out of pumpkins, weave princesses out of wheat stalks, stitch hearts made of rose hips, press leaves, paint rain pictures, sew felted mushrooms, fold paper pinwheels, turn milk containers into lanterns, and play shadow games.
Even the darkest autumn afternoon is an occasion for family fun with the help of the creative, child-friendly craft ideas, games and songs in this book. Hurray, autumn is here!
Einar Turkowski
The Moon Flower
Die Mondblume
He keeps the plant company at tea-time, and even puts on a play for it. But the bud stays closed – until the night of the full moon . . .
Einar Turkowski’s delicate penciled masterpieces reveal even the tiniest detail. Even though the pictures are in black and white, they are rich with nuance and they suggest a richly poetic world that transports and amazes the reader.
Rights sold to Italy, Taiwan, China, South Africa, Sweden, Spain (Spanish and Catalan), Belarus and Turkey

Rotraut Susanne Berner
Armin the bookseller
Armin, der Buchhändler
Cornelia Boese, Dorota Wünsch
Where's Theatrine ?
Wo ist Theatrine?
In cheerful rhymes and pictures that capture the happy chaos, children are introduced to the secret world behind the wings of a performing arts theatre. Let the curtain rise!
Silke Lambeck, Karsten Teich
What Does Tomcat Do While I'm Asleep?
Was macht der Kater, wenn ich schlafe?
A book for reading and reading aloud. For the whole family, and for anyone who loves cats.
Judith Burger
Ringo, Me and The Completely Clueless Summer
Ringo, ich und ein komplett ahnungsloser Sommer
But instead, everything turns out wrong. All of a sudden Ringo is the star of the play and Asta is left high and dry. Will their friendship survive?
A summer story full of poetry and lightness. And the history of a great friendship.
Volker Mehnert, Tim Köhler
Magellan - Or Great Moments in Ocean Exploration
On September 6, 1522 a single, worm-eaten ship is the only vessel to return. On board are 18 ragged sailors, more dead than alive. Magellan is not
among them . . .
Three years had consumed the voyage that began as an expedition and became a trip that no human had accomplished before – a circumnavigation of the globe.
This book tells the story of Magellan’s astonishing achievement in a gripping narrative and evocative illustrations
Silke Lambeck, Karsten Teich
Mr. Flowers Returns
Herr Röslein kommt zurück
Everyone could use a friend like Mr. Flowers! Here’s another warm and funny story that’s sure to become a classic.
Henrike Wilson
Squirrel Finds a New Home
Eichhörnchen zieht um
tree over last night. So squirrel has to find a new place to live! Squirrel’s garden companions offer to share their homes.
That’s nice, but squirrel needs a cozy place of its own, so the search begins for a new home in the most beautiful tree in the garden – and there, squirrel finds a delightful surprise!
This is a story of helping hands and friendship, garden creatures and the magic of springtime, in a warm-spirited, richly illustrated new book by Henrike Wilson.

Bärbel Oftring, Jana Walczyk
I Build You A House, Wild Bee!
Ich bau dir ein Haus, kleine Wildbiene!
In this richly detailed nonfiction picture book, readers of all ages will learn about the mason bee and its growth from egg to adult, about the life of other wild bees like the bumblebee, and the important role wild bees play in nature. Between the covers of this book there is much to discover about the life cycle and diversity of wild bees, relatives of our familiar honeybee.
At the conclusion of the book there are step-by-step instructions for building a nest platform for wild bees so the reader can watch them up close.
Daniela Kulot
Curls, bangs and ponytails
Locken, Pony, Pferdeschwanz und jede Menge Firlefanz
A battle helmet with a spike.
Stylish Annie wears her hair
As if she kept a garden there.”
Even little children love to make fun of others’ hair. But whether it’s short or long hair, what really matters is what’s inside, not on top of, one’s head. Here’s a whimsical picture book about funny “do’s” and comical “cuts”. Join in and rhyme along!
Silke Lambeck, Barbara Jung
The Santa Project
Das Weihnachtsmannprojekt
On top of that, somehow he’s got to pull his family together and make sure they have a real Christmas. But that’s easier said than done . . .
Funny, spirited and original, here’s a Christmas story for reading – and reading aloud – for the whole family.

Volker Mehnert, Martin Haake
The Great Rivers of the World
Die großen Flüsse der Welt
or the Amazon? Is the Beautiful Blue Danube really blue? How did the untamed Colorado make its way through the rocky Grand Canyon? And what makes the Nile the lifeline of Egypt?
Rivers have always had a special importance for humanity – whether as political or cultural boundary, trade route or religious symbol. This richly illustrated compendium, created in a modern collage style, introduces 18 legendary rivers from all five continents. It shows the rivers’ outstanding features and their diverse flora and fauna, and highlights historical events and personalities associated with each waterway.
There is much to discover – including astonishing facts and important dates– in this masterful and stimulating assemblage of text and image.
Features a four page gatefold: The Nile from the Pharaohs until Today
Rights sold to China, Korea, Spain, France, USA (worldwide), Romania, Hungary, Russia and Italy
Johannes Herwig
Heroes Of The Shard
Johannes Herwig (“Until the Stars Tremble”) has set against the background of German unification this raw and emotional portrait of youth in the grip of change and aimlessness. This is a story of hope.

Sabine Lohf
Come On, Let's Play!
Komm, lass uns spielen!
Sabine Lohf shows how much fun we can have not just playing, but even creating some of our own toys.
Whether we are playing inside or outside, by ourselves or in a group, these game ideas will keep us entertained!
Sample contents:
•Dice games
•Puzzle games
•Painting and coloring games
•Tossing games
•Agility games

Thomas Müller
A Year With the Cranes
Ein Jahr mit den Kranichen
In this book we take a close look at the “good luck” birds, and we follow a family of cranes throughout the year – their elaborate courtship dances, how they raise their young, and their first journey together as a family: the great Crane Migration.
An appendix offers further information about the life cycle of the Common Crane (Grus grus). The meticulous illustrations in the books of Thomas Müller make birdwatchers out of even young readers!
Ilka Sokolowski, Janine Czichy
Discovering the Wadden Sea
Wildes Leben im Watt
rhythmic roar of breaking waves, fresh sea breezes and tangy salt air, it’s no wonder that the Wadden Sea -- part of the North Sea –
is a UNESCO World Heritage Centre. On shore and under water, on the tidal wash, on
the dunes and in the air, there is a teeming diversity of life everywhere.
With vivid and lifelike illustrations this nature book introduces readers to the wide variety of Wadden Sea lifeforms and their respective habitats: the tiny North Sea shrimp, the swift Arctic tern, the nimble harbor seal, and countless others.
Many of these creatures can be spotted during a shore hike or while wading in the Wadden. The book tells where and how to look for them

Bärbel Oftring, Jana Walczyk
The Worls of Seals
Der kleine Seehund und das Meer
In the appendix, readers great and small can learn about where to watch seals, how to behave around them, and what can be done to protect these precious animals.
Stepha Quitterer
A Beginner's Guide to Improving the World
Weltverbessern für Anfänger
First prize – a trip to Tallinn, Estonia
– goes to the class with the most enthusiasm for the subject. That leaves Mina cold at first. But then her grandma goes into a nursing home and all of a sudden it’s clear where a person could have a clear impact on someone’s
daily life.
So Mina organizes a nursing home visiting service – not an easy assignment for a class that even the school psychologist avoids.
What’s more, she has to deal with toxic classmates, a failed romance, boring teachers and her parents’ split-up.
After a rough start, what follows is a total surprise, not just for Mina . . . !
This bold and pitch-perfect debut novel by Stephanie Quitterer sets off ideas like fireworks.