Daniela Kulot


Everyone, whether big or small, has to eat! Everyone, whether sad or happy, has to go to the bathroom! Everyone, whether old or young, should have fun!
It doesn‘t matter what distinguishes us from one another—there are many more things that bind us together. Whether eating, playing, laughing or hanging around, it‘s much more fun to do things together!
This book‘s sassy rhymes and colorful, detailed pictures invite reading aloud and rhyming, looking and laughing— and ideally together! A book about friendship, tolerance, and solidarity.

Rights sold to Czech Republic, China, Denmark, Brazil, Spain, Norway, Italy and Burgenland Croatia

Julie Völk

A Time When Wishing Still Helped

Zur Zeit, wo das Wünschen noch geholfen hat
Grimm's Fairy Tales as seen by artist Julie Völk - A Magical Masterpiece

This selection of stories unites familiar and beloved tales with a few others that deserve to be discovered anew. Julie Völk guides us through enchanted waterways, through thick forests and breathtaking mountain landscapes; she shows us magical gardens and pauses while we marvel at secret cottages and mighty palaces.

There are strange creatures to discover, along with clever girls and boys; witches playing tricks, and yes, even the Devil is at work. Just as the tales themselves enter our dreams, make us shiver and sometimes cause us to laugh out loud, the illustrations cast their own spell. In numerous vignettes and colorful larger scenes, Julie Völk presents the stories anew in her own unique style. She references the familiar while calling our attention to new details. This treasury of stories becomes, in the best sense, a gift to all - children will discover countless details, and in the red-and-white vignettes they will "read" the stories on their own; more seasoned readers will be surprised by new perspectives. The pictures, like the stories, allow us to travel back in time, but they remain modern and fresh. The unique environment created by these intimate, yet powerful pictures will enchant young and old alike.
Rotraut Susanne Berner: Zu Hause in Wimmlingen
Rotraut Susanne Berner

At Home in Wimmlingen

Zu Hause in Wimmlingen
Experience a Day in the Wimmlinger Home!

This kind of house has lots of stories to tell. Rotraut Susanne Berner invites us in and introduces us to the people and animals who live there. We can not only take a close look inside, like a doll’s house, but walk through the rooms, see things from a new perspective and get reacquainted with old friends. Rhyming text by the artist makes this book fun to read for the whole family. A perfect introduction to Rotraut Susanne Berner’s Wimmel world, and a must for those who already call Wimmlingen home.

Sold to Belgium/The Netherlands, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Italy, Poland, Russia, Romania, Slovenia and China

Sabine Lohf

Lemon Yellow And Fire Red

Zitronengelb und Feuerrot
In this small, thick colour book, Sabine Lohf has created 50 imaginative pictures that introduce children to the world of colours in a playful way. Be it a frog green frog king or a feather white chick, a little ship in a sea blue sea or a chalk white snowman every page holds a new surprise. What other colours might there be? And maybe big and small people will paint their own colourful pictures to go with them?
This visual school, which at the same time promotes language, is fun for even the youngest children and opens up the colourful world to them. And it encourages painting and crafting!

Recommended as a visual school and for language development.
Daniela Kulot: Zähl dich nett ins Bett
Daniela Kulot

Count yourself to Bed, little brat

Zähl dich nett ins Bett
Going to bed can be so much fun- there’s so much to experience along the way! One small bat flies with you up the stairs, two brightly colored fish lead you to your room, ten long-armed octopuses tuck you in, and eleven sleepy little beavers cuddle with you…
Daniela Kulot’s fanciful counting and bedtime book invites reading aloud and rhyming together and teaches easy counting from 1 to 12.
A reference column on the left side of the page explains the numbers with digits, words, and pictures. Here even very small children can develop a sense for quantities.
Besides, who says that you have to count sheep to fall asleep?

Rights sold to Chile, Czech Republic, Spain, Brazil and China

Bärbel Oftring, Theresa Schwietzer: Wölfe
Bärbel Oftring, Theresa Schwietzer

Tracking Wolves

While this is cause for delight among many nature lovers, it's cause for concern and fear for others. The wolf has grown unfamiliar: this beautiful native animal was forced out of our forests for many years. How can we rethink our relationship to wolves now that the number of wolf packs in Germany and neighboring countries is increasing?
Following the belief that understanding is the
way to conquer fear, this atmospherically illustrated fact-based book introduces the reader to the life of a family of wolves.

We trace the footsteps—or paw prints—of a young wolf, see how a wolf pack is initially formed, learn about life within the pack, and experience how the next generation of wolves leaves the pack and sets out on its own. Inside the large-format flaps there are attractive infographics and texts that explain facts about wolves' biology and how to interact with them.

With 4 large flaps
Contains many facts about the biology, life, and behavior of wolves, as well as maps that show its habitats in Germany and Europe.
Thomas Müller: Wo leben die Tiere unserer Welt?
Thomas Müller

Where Do The Animals of Our World Live?

Wo leben die Tiere unserer Welt?
Every child knows about penguins, horses, and parrots, but which of these animals lives where? This book shows 100 animals from ten different habitats in their natural environments. Whether in meadows and fields, in the forest, in coral reefs, tropical rainforests or ponds, in Antarctica, in the city or the African savannah, on the ocean coast or on a farm—animals make their homes everywhere. The book provides an affectionately and carefully illustrated double page for every habitat, always with lots to discover. Each individual animal is introduced with fascinating facts on a large-format overview page. Those looking for a specific animal can find it on a tab with colorful animal icons. The colors help to search: where do the animals of our world live?

- Animal picture book and reference book in one
- Short, easy-to-understand texts on each animal
- Large, detailed panorama pages that invite exploring and discovering

Rights sold to Russia, China and Romania

Cornelia Boese, Dorota Wünsch

Where's Theatrine ?

Wo ist Theatrine?
Theatrine is standing on a package that's been delivered to the Grand Opera House. That's where they perform ballet, opera and plays. While looking for the elusive Theatrine we can see what's behind the curtain! There are studios, wardrobes, the cafeteria, the orchestra pit, the choir loft and lots more! But where is Theatrine hiding? And what's hidden in that mysterious package?

In cheerful rhymes and pictures that capture the happy chaos, children are introduced to the secret world behind the wings of a performing arts theatre. Let the curtain rise!

All rights available

Daniela Kulot

We travel to the Land of Color

Wir reisen ins Farbenland!
A bus is driving to the sea, but take a look, it's passenger-free . . .
But not for long. Along the way the bus stops again and again, and new passengers enter: in Redland, the tomatoes; in Yellowland, bananas; in Greenland, frogs. Come along and join us - there's a surprise around every corner!

A fun-filled book about the world of color.
Lena Kathinka Schaffer: Wir gehen zur Schule!
Lena Kathinka Schaffer

We Go To School! From Kenya to America

Wir gehen zur Schule!
When children in Germany go to school, they walk; ride a bike, scooter, or skateboard; come by bus or public transport; or their parents or guardians bring them with the car. But in some parts of the world, it's very different! Some children come by sled or by boot and sometimes even ride horses to school. In some regions there is no school building at all: classes take place outdoors or in a clay hut, with children aged six to sixteen all together.
In this book, we accompany children from different countries and cultures on their way to school. We see where they live, what they eat, and even what happens in their classrooms. School is an exciting thing for children all over the world, no matter if you're in Papua New Guinea or India, Switzerland or Argentina, America or Kenya—or even at the edge of the North Pole!
This informative, colorfully illustrated non-fiction book teaches preschoolers and primary school students a bit about how children in other cultures live and learn in a fun and engaging way.
Ilka Sokolowski, Sophie Schmid: Wir feiern durch das ganze Jahr
Ilka Sokolowski, Sophie Schmid

Celebrating Throughout the Year

Wir feiern durch das ganze Jahr
The Great Book of Holidays and Traditions

What does “Rosenmontag” have to do with roses? When is “the Tag des Buches”? Why do Christians celebrate Christmas? The answers to these and many other exciting questions can be found in this colorful non-fiction book for the entire family: across 112 elaborately illustrated pages, it offers a wealth of background information and suggestions for the nicest regional, national, and international holidays and traditions. Included are arts & crafts tips, recipes, poems, and folk wisdom for the most important Christian, Jewish, and Muslim festivities. Old and new traditions throughout the year are waiting to be rediscovered and celebrated.

This is a lovingly designed manual for browsing through. It’s perfect for families, schools, and preschools. With this book, almost every day is a holiday!
Rotraut Susanne Berner: Winter-Wörterwimmelbuch
Rotraut Susanne Berner
Support language acquisition with Wimmlingen

The countless stories told in Rotrauts Susanne Berners Wimmel books have been classic for years. Their wide range of possible applications have also made them popular in preschools, schools, and in speech therapy classrooms. This Wimmel Wordbooks support speech and language acquisition in a brilliant new way - in these editions, every familiar page has an additional margin in which 12-16 objects from the scene are depicted again and named with articles. Each double page is devoted to a different theme.

Sold to China (simplified Chinese characters), Georgia, Hungary, Norway, Spain (with Catalan) and Taiwan (complexe Chinese characters)

Rotraut Susanne Berner: Winter-Wimmelbuch - Midi
Rotraut Susanne Berner
Winter-Wimmelbuch - Midi
What greater delight for a child than to lie sprawled out on the floor in front of a big picture-book, with hundreds of familiar and unfamiliar things to discover?
Rotraut Susanne Berner has designed just such a book whose large-format pictures show a whole town and its surroundings: a house for several families, a farm, a rail way station, a community centre, a market place, a multi storey department store, and a large park. These pictures tell many little stories of things that happen to people and animals on a winter day, and every child can follow these stories. And since there are plenty of stories to tell about this town throughout the year Rotraut Susanne Berner designed a book for each season. So now everybody can discover for himself how life in the town and its surroundings changes over the year: What kind of games children play and how long it takes for the construction work on the new nursery to be completed.
Rotraut Susanne Berner: Winter-Wimmelbuch
Rotraut Susanne Berner


What greater delight for a child than to lie sprawled out on the floor in front of a big picture-book, with hundreds of familiar and unfamiliar things to discover?
Rotraut Susanne Berner has designed just such a book whose large-format pictures show a whole town and its surroundings: a house for several families, a farm, a rail way station, a community centre, a market place, a multi storey department store, and a large park. These pictures tell many little stories of things that happen to people and animals on a winter day, and every child can follow these stories. And since there are plenty of stories to tell about this town throughout the year Rotraut Susanne Berner designed a book for each season. So now everybody can discover for himself how life in the town and its surroundings changes over the year: What kind of games children play and how long it takes for the construction work on the new nursery to be completed.

Rights sold to Belgium/The Netherlands, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Faroe Islands, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Israel, Lithuania, Mongolia, Norway, Poland, Portugal Romania, Russia, Spain, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukra

Anke Bär

William's Journey

Wilhelms Reise
The scene is Bremerhaven, the year is 1872. Fleeing the squalor and crippling poverty of his home village, young William embarks the Columbia bound for America. Among his few belongings is a sketch-book to which he commits his various observations on board the ship: the hard work of the sailors, daily tribulations such as vermin or the friction due to overcrowding ‘tween-decks, rough seas and dead calm. On a brighter note, there are pleasant scenes such as children playing or the nocturnal phenomenon of marine phosphorescence. At last the big day has arrived: The Columbia berths at the Port of New York!

Rights sold to USA (English Rights Worldwide)

Cornelia Franz
Alone in the Wilderness

Matthis has been roaming the summer forests of Norway with his dog Tara for days. He collects berries, catches fish, makes fires or swims in one of the many lakes. If it weren't for the thoughts of the fight with his parents, the words he had shouted after them, the accident... If only he wasn't always so unrestrained! Out of nowhere, a mysterious girl suddenly appears in the forest who knows how to fry earthworms. Jule speaks little, except when she tells stories about trolls. And she always disappears just as suddenly as she appeared... An adventurous summer story about loud and quiet feelings and life in nature.
Cornelia Franz, Petra Baan

Wild Land

Alone in the Wilderness

Matthis has been roaming the summer forests of Norway with his dog Tara for days. He collects berries, catches fish, makes fires or swims in one of the many lakes. If it weren't for the thoughts of the fight with his parents, the words he had shouted after them, the accident... If only he wasn't always so unrestrained! Out of nowhere, a mysterious girl suddenly appears in the forest who knows how to fry earthworms. Jule speaks little, except when she tells stories about trolls. And she always disappears just as suddenly as she appeared... An adventurous summer story about loud and quiet feelings and life in nature.
Ilka Sokolowski, Janine Czichy

Discovering the Wadden Sea

Wildes Leben im Watt
With a seemingly endless horizon, the
rhythmic roar of breaking waves, fresh sea breezes and tangy salt air, it’s no wonder that the Wadden Sea -- part of the North Sea –
is a UNESCO World Heritage Centre. On shore and under water, on the tidal wash, on
the dunes and in the air, there is a teeming diversity of life everywhere.
With vivid and lifelike illustrations this nature book introduces readers to the wide variety of Wadden Sea lifeforms and their respective habitats: the tiny North Sea shrimp, the swift Arctic tern, the nimble harbor seal, and countless others.

Many of these creatures can be spotted during a shore hike or while wading in the Wadden. The book tells where and how to look for them
Ilka Sokolowski, Janine Czichy

Wild Life on the Meadow

Wildes Leben auf der Wiese
The Meadow is Alive - And How!

Have you ever seen a meadow up close? Then you know that it's full of things that creep, crawl, and buzz! But meadows are home not only to insects and spiders, but also birds, mammals and reptiles. Do you know, for example, where a harvest mouse builds its nest, or how long marmots sleep?

This non-fiction book for children shows us very special meadows like the Alm and the fascinating Feuchtwiese. We learn about meadow orchards, alpine meadows, pastures, swamps, wildflower meadows and wildflower strips. Every meadow is home to its own special plants and animals. Short descriptions and lifelike drawings brings us closer to the varied life of the meadow. And several viewing tips help us identify one hidden animal or another!

And for someone who wants to grow their own meadow, there are tips for laying one out - even a small wildflower meadow on the balcony!
Daniela Kulot: Wie und wo geht der Floh aufs Klo?
Daniela Kulot

Where does a Flea pee?

Wie und wo geht der Floh aufs Klo?
When Tina’s gotta go, no problem: Mommy takes her to the potty and then to her bath. But how does it work for animals? Where do fleas go when they’ve gotta pee? And cats? And dogs, and cows and little fish? Everyone does it in their own way – even if once in a while they do it in their pants!

An important topic for young children, presented with humor and with brightly colored, sometimes surprising, illustrations by Daniela Kulot

Rights sold to Italy and Spain (Spanish and Catalan)

Cornelia Franz, Petra Baan

How I Saved Einstein's Life

Wie ich Einstein das Leben rettete
It’s shortly before midnight on February 28, 2020, and Emily is on board the
Queen Mary 2, sailing toward New York. Tomorrow is her 12th birthday and the
ocean crossing is her birthday present.

Suddenly, she finds herself in an entirely
new place and time -- on board a refugee ship in the year 1913!

The same happens to Lorenzo and Malik, who have made this trip before. They relate the news that after the ship arrives in New York, a fire will break out, killing and injuring many on board. They must prevent this catastrophe! Somehow they have to find a way to travel back in time. If there’s anyone that can help, it’s Albert Einstein.

A suspenseful adventure story that looks back in time to 1913, when many German citizens left everything behind to start a new life in a foreign land.

Rights sold to Hungary, Italy, Japan, Russia, Turkey and Azerbaijan

Lena Zeise

How the Cat Came to Us

Wie die Katze zu uns kam
Of Cats and Men.

Egyptian deity or shipboard mouse catcher, heroine of fairy tales and myths or beloved pet: it is impossible to imagine our lives without cats! For many thousands of years, they have had a place in our homes, yards and hearts. We accompany the cat on its foray through world events - from the hearths of our Stone Age ancestors to its celebrity appearance in millions of YouTube clicks .
This book gives a fascinating account of the many ways those velvet paws came to us - and have stayed until today! Innovative comic strips complement the informative text and animate the stories of these whiskered protagonists in an entertaining way.

Mehrdad Zaeri

Who kisses Whom?

Wer küsst wen?
Is it a game? Is it a story? Is it art? It's a book full of drawings that tell stories without words. In 232 pictures we meet the most unusual people, experience their city by day and by night, and we're constantly surprised with new insights and points of view. 232 pictures, all of them connected in this way and that way.

Here's a traveler wearing a hat and carrying a suitcase full of secrets - where's he headed? Those people waiting for the bus at Kiss Street - do they know each other? Does Knut Konrad always wear checkered pants? And who's that kissing Eleonore, the woman selling grilled bananas?

Thanks to the divided foldout pages, the pictures can be combined endlessly in different ways. This is a poetic picture-art adventure by the exceptional artist Mehrdad Zaeri.
Beate Teresa Hanika, Kristina Andres

When Mother Fox sleeps!

Wenn Mama Fuchs schläft

When Mama Fox needs a rest . . . 

When the little fox wakes, something seems different.  Is it the sunbeam that shines in the foxhole?  The little fox yawns and shakes himself.  Then he sees it:  mama fox is asleep.  She didn't make breakfast and hasn't cleaned the den.  As he nudges her, she just rolls over and pulls herself closer together.  The little fox decides to ask the other animals.  Maybe they know what's the matter with mama.  

In text and delicate watercolors, here is an atmospheric and warmhearted story of how grownups also need time for themselves.  And that's good for little foxes!

Julie Völk: Wenn ich in die Schule geh
Julie Völk

Going to school

Wenn ich in die Schule geh
A girl and her little brother leave to go to school. Because the walk feels shorter and more fun with a larger group of people, they gather more and more children along the way. The reader is lucky enough to meet all of these different people and their equally different homes.
The path to school leads through a springtime birch forest to the river where the fishing family lives, past the farm, past the fields leading towards the city, past the auto repair shop, the circus tent, the bakery, and the pet shop, until it finally ends at the school. And the teacher? Oops – he overslept and is in a big hurry. Anyone who sets off down the path again will see him rushing off to school in the background.
Julie Völk’s illustrations depict the appeal of changing landscapes and the colourful diversity of people. Without the use of text, they show the importance, social function, and fun of going places on foot.

Rights sold to Brazil (Portuguese Worldwide)

Stepha Quitterer

A Beginner's Guide to Improving the World

Weltverbessern für Anfänger
Mina’s school announces an essay competition: A Beginner’s Guide to Improving the World. Really!?
First prize – a trip to Tallinn, Estonia
– goes to the class with the most enthusiasm for the subject. That leaves Mina cold at first. But then her grandma goes into a nursing home and all of a sudden it’s clear where a person could have a clear impact on someone’s
daily life.

So Mina organizes a nursing home visiting service – not an easy assignment for a class that even the school psychologist avoids.
What’s more, she has to deal with toxic classmates, a failed romance, boring teachers and her parents’ split-up.
After a rough start, what follows is a total surprise, not just for Mina . . . !
This bold and pitch-perfect debut novel by Stephanie Quitterer sets off ideas like fireworks.
Antje Damm

What's Happening There?

Was passiert denn da?
Look and Tell: Of Doggie Bones, Pea Monsters, and Plaster Fish

A dog in a basket, a vacuum cleaner and a cat, and a boy who peeks through a keyhole…
guess what happens next! Then turn the page and get ready for a surprise.
Two pictures tell a short story - sometimes they’re drawn, sometimes they’re photographs, sometimes they’re collages. They invite the reader to look carefully, find the meaning, then tell the story. They’ll make you look, amaze you, make you laugh, and make you guess!
Silke Lambeck, Karsten Teich

What Does Tomcat Do While I'm Asleep?

Was macht der Kater, wenn ich schlafe?
What does our tomcat do while I’m asleep? That’s what Fritze asks one morning when her tomcat Mika comes home unusually late. Everyone she asks has a different explanation: Mika’s out taking a walk, says Grandpa. Papa says Mika sings in the tomcat choir. Mama says he’s out visiting. And Timmy, the babysitter, maintains that Mika is somewhere spying. Really?, thinks Fritze. None of them are cats – how do they know? What would Mika tell us? And then, Mika tells us his own story .
A book for reading and reading aloud. For the whole family, and for anyone who loves cats.
Ute Krause

When Will They Ever Leave?

Wann gehen die wieder?
The Life of a Blended Family - Original, Fresh, and Full of Confidence

During a moonlit night a family of robbers, each carrying a little red suitcase, trots through the woods. Why is that? Well, the robber children are sometimes with their papa and sometimes with their mama. The children have two homes, which accounts for the suitcases. They have two birthday parties, two sets of rules, and two toothbrushes. But they're not at all eager to make friends with Papa's new girlfriend and all of her prince and princess children. The robber children succeed in chasing away the entire princess household, but then they realize it's not going to solve their problem. They take an altogether different approach, with the result that this jolly and optimistic blended family story has a brilliant ending.

Rights sold to Russia, Hungary, Korea, The Netherlands, Spain (with Catalan)

Silke Vry, Martin Haake

Sunken Cities, Forgotten Cultures Great Archeologists and their Discoveries

Verborgene Schätze, versunkene Welten
What could be more exciting than to bring remnants of bygone times-buried cities, archaic cultures, ancient treasures- to light?

This large nonfiction book takes us along into the exciting world of archaeology. The lively narration invites us to join the scholars on their journey and learn everything about the most significant archaeological finds of the past 500 years, including the discovery of the Mayans, the ancient sports stadium Olympia, the grave of Tutankhamen, and the Terracotta Army in China. We run into many of the people who laid the groundwork for modern archeology (Heinrich Schliemann, Robert Koldewey, and Johann Winckelmann) and learn about the pioneering archaeologists of today (Thor Heyerdahl and Franck Goddio). The adventurous stories behind these great discoveries also familiarize us with the exciting excavation techniques used in the process. The large-format, collage-like illustrations help us delve even deeper into the adventure of archeology.

Rights sold to Romania, China and Korea

Volker Mehnert, Claudia Lieb

Underground Worlds Of Wonder

Unterirdische Wunderwelten
This tour takes us to the fascinating world beneath our feet. We discover a cave with giant pillars of ice, marvel at a starry canopy of millions of fireflies and even find ourselves in the belly of a volcano!
But it's not just nature that has created underground wonders; humans have created them too. Ancient cave cities, secret structures in the depths, and engineering feats like the Gotthard Tunnel are just some of the places we'll explore on our foray through the underworld.

Let's take a trip around the world to 18 hidden places full of legends and secrets!
Dirk Reinhardt

Over the Mountains and Over the Sea

Über die Berge und über das Meer
Every year in spring, the nomads stop by Soraya's village on their way to their summer home in the Afghan mountains. Accompanying them is Tarek, who knows sheep better than anyone else and is a wonderful storyteller. But this year Soraya waits for him in vain. According to an old tradition, as the seventh daughter in her family, she was raised as a boy and was able to move freely and attend school. But as a 14-year-old, she has reached the age where she should be living as a girl again in the quiet of her home. In fact the Taliban has, in no uncertain terms, mandated that she do so. They have also threatened Tarek and expect him to put his excellent animal tracking abilities to work for them. The nomads' plight worsens dramatically. Tarek and Soraya can see no other way and each journey out into the world, without knowing where the other is or what they're doing. Unexpectedly, they cross paths in the mountains.
Thomas Müller: Tiere in der Stadt
Thomas Müller

Animals in the City

Tiere in der Stadt
Who’s looking down from the tree? Three little raccoons! Raccoons in the park, bats in the attic, sparrows under the gutter: there are lots of animals to discover in the city! With its carefully-designed fold-out pages, this book introduces the youngest animal lovers to seven furry and feathered city dwellers and shows where they find food and raise their young.
Thomas Müller

Animals In The Forest

Tiere im Wald
The forest is the most beautiful adventure playground there is! Many animals feel the same way: young foxes venture out of their dens, wild boars take a mud bath, and little bunnies wait in the high grass for their mother.

This close-to-nature and lovingly-illustrated picture book invites small animal fans to see the shy forest dwellers up close and to learn many exciting facts about them
Thomas Müller: Tiere im Garten
Thomas Müller

Animals in the Garden

Tiere im Garten
What's crawling and creeping and flying over there? There are many different animals in the garden to discover! We learn where the peacock butterfly lays its eggs, what the hedgehog eats, and how the wasps buzz around inside their nests. In this book, with seven lovingly designed fold-out pages, you will take a closer look at these and many other animals in the garden.
Brief texts provide some fascinating insights, so you can learn even more about each animal
Thomas Müller

Animals On The Farm

Tiere auf dem Bauernhof
Let's go to the farm! Thomas Müller takes us on a journey through the stables and fields. What is made from sheep's wool? How do cats live on the farm? When does a chick break out of its eggshell? In this picture book, young farm-lovers learn the most important things about how to look after all sorts of farm animals. They not only learn what each animal does on the farm, but also how their young are born.
Maja Nielsen

A Crime in Eden 1919

Tatort Eden 1919
From Breckerfeld to Berlin! The 17-year-old Biko can hardly believe his luck. He actually got into the famous Artistenschule, a training academy for circus performers in Berlin! An old suitcase in the lost and found at the Artistenschule sends him 100 years back in time to a tumultuous time in Berlin – the era of the First World War, the November Revolution, and the murder of Rosa Luxemburg.
A Crime in Eden in 1919 – a genuine political crime story begins. But modern-day Berlin is also very exciting: As the son of an African, Biko is presumed to be one of the many refugees who've arrived in the city. And all of a sudden, he finds that there is much more at stake than his dream of being a performer ...
Stephanie Schneider, Henrike Wilson: Tambo, der kleine Elefant
Stephanie Schneider, Henrike Wilson

Tambo der kleine Elefant Midi-Ausgabe

Tambo, der kleine Elefant
Stephanie Schneider, Henrike Wilson: Tambo, der kleine Elefant
Stephanie Schneider, Henrike Wilson
Tambo, der kleine Elefant
Tambo is thoroughly fed up with always being the smallest. After all, he’s an elephant! He will prove to everyone how big he is. He will scare a tiger away! He and his friend the bird prepare the courage test. But no one shows up, not even a tiger. With drooping ears, Tambo sadly trudges back to the herd. There they all are, the big elephants. And there’s his Mom. Big and grey and dear as always. Next to her, a newborn elephant baby looks at Tambo full of curiosity. Now Tambo feels all the way down to the end of his trunk how wonderful it is to be a needed and looked up to as an older brother. And he thinks it’s grand that he’s no longer the littlest in the herd!

Rights sold to Belgium, The Netherlands, Spain, Denmark, China Also available as a boardbook edition!

Cornelia Franz

Swing High

Swing High
Swing Dancing on the Volcano

Hamburg, Summer 1939. As the Second World War looms ever closer, Henri and his friends spend a seemingly carefree summer together. They meet at the swimming pool or in the park, and someone always brings a gramophone along - and then things really heat up! Jazz music enchants the "Swingbuddies" with their relaxed "joie de vivre". But this music is a thorn in the Nazis' side.

It's a dangerous dance on a volcano. One evening when Henri and his girlfriend encounter a Gestapo patrol, they find themselves caught up in a matter of life and death . . .

This book, based on true stories of the Hamburg Swing Dance youth from 1939 to 1941, tells the suspenseful story of an uprising in the middle of World War II. The "Swings" were brave, uncompromising and full of life!
Rotraut Susanne Berner: Susanne
Rotraut Susanne Berner
Susanne loves hats and has lots and lots of them. But one day her favourite gets lost…

Sold to China, Korea, Poland

Rotraut Susanne Berner: Sommer-Wimmelbuch - Midi
Rotraut Susanne Berner
Sommer-Wimmelbuch - Midi
What greater delight for a child than to lie sprawled out on the floor in front of a big picture-book, with hundreds of familiar and unfamiliar things to discover?
Rotraut Susanne Berner has designed just such a book whose large-format pictures show a whole town and its surroundings: a house for several families, a farm, a rail way station, a community centre, a market place, a multi storey department store, and a large park. These pictures tell many little stories of things that happen to people and animals on a summer day, and every child can follow these stories. And since there are plenty of stories to tell about this town throughout the year Rotraut Susanne Berner designed a book for each season. So now everybody can discover for himself how life in the town and its surroundings changes over the year: What kind of games children play and how long it takes for the construction work on the new nursery to be completed.
Rotraut Susanne Berner: Sommer-Wimmelbuch
Rotraut Susanne Berner
What greater delight for a child than to lie sprawled out on the floor in front of a big picture-book, with hundreds of familiar and unfamiliar things to discover?
Rotraut Susanne Berner has designed just such a book whose large-format pictures show a whole town and its surroundings: a house for several families, a farm, a rail way station, a community centre, a market place, a multi storey department store, and a large park. These pictures tell many little stories of things that happen to people and animals on a summer day, and every child can follow these stories. And since there are plenty of stories to tell about this town throughout the year Rotraut Susanne Berner designed a book for each season. So now everybody can discover for himself how life in the town and its surroundings changes over the year: What kind of games children play and how long it takes for the construction work on the new nursery to be completed.

Rights sold to Belgium/The Netherlands, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Faroe Islands, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Israel, Lithuania, Mongolia, Norway, Poland, Portugal Romania, Russia, Spain, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukra

Sabine Lohf
Sommer, Sonne, Sand und mehr!
Shells, poppies, melon shells... In summer there is great material for crafting and playing! Whether
on vacation or at home, this book shows big and small crafters how much fun it is to get creative indoors or outdoors in the summer. Whether a sun hat for the next trip to the beach, a meadow flower wreath for a flower festival, a bark boat to float: the easy to follow instructions set no limits to the imagination and encourage you to create lots of colourful artworks from nature's treasures and a few craft supplies to give
away, decorate and play with. This makes summer really beautiful!
Eilika Mühlenberg

Swimming Pool


Let's go for a Swim!

In this large-format nonfiction picture book we learn everything about the swimming pool.  A simple story of a father and son – the son is afraid to swim –  leads us through the colorful pages.  We accompany them from the main entrance to the changing room, into the pool itself – and then from the showers, the hair drying room and the exit.  
 An enjoyable tour of the pool environment – lovingly illustrated and with a photo collage assembled by author Eilika Mühlenberg.  With lots of small details to smile about and surprise the reader!

Thomas Müller: Schneehuhn, Reh und Haselmaus
Thomas Müller

Snow Grouse, Deer and Hazel Dormouse – Animals in the Snow

Schneehuhn, Reh und Haselmaus
The edge of the forest lies ahead, covered in deep snow.
Nature has come to rest—only the tracks in the snow are evidence of the many forest dwellers who face special challenges during the cold season. Where do hamsters, badgers, and snakes take refuge? And what do fish and birds do in winter? How do lizards, snails, and bees protect themselves against ice and snow? Thomas Müller‘s masterful, atmospheric illustrations of animals in snowwhite backgrounds put us in a special wintry mood.
They teach us which strategies the animals use to adjust to the changed conditions of life and show us what hibernation, winter coats, and winter reserves are all about. The appendix includes useful suggestions about how people can help animals to survive the winter.

Sold to China, Belgium/the Netherlands, Czech Republic and Russia

Johannes Herwig

Heroes Of The Shard

Leipzig, 1995: The city is in an upheaval. Nino lives alone with his father and has the usual headaches of a fifteen-year-old: stress in school, a first love. One day he and his best friend Max are caught shoplifting, then he’s bailed out by a group of punks that one day will claim him as their own. Then comes more aggravation: conflict with his father, feelings for a girl who carries a dark secret, and daily threats from neo-Nazis that seem to be everywhere. What’s more, Nino is determined to find out why his mother left him and his father behind just before the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Johannes Herwig (“Until the Stars Tremble”) has set against the background of German unification this raw and emotional portrait of youth in the grip of change and aimlessness. This is a story of hope.
Bärbel Oftring, Isabel Müller: Schau mal, eine Spinne!
Bärbel Oftring, Isabel Müller

Yuck! Spiders!

Schau mal, eine Spinne!
“Gross, a spider!” Gross? Really? Take a closer look. Spiders are actually fascinating and have very special abilities.
In this lovingly illustrated nonfiction picture book, children can observe how a garden spider spins her artful web, how she goes hunting, mates, and lays eggs- and how, finally, the tiny spider babies hatch and are taken by the wind on a long journey.
The foldout pages hide even more interesting information about the garden spider and its eight-legged relatives: how can you tell the difference between males and females?
What is a spider web actually made of? The book includes a discoverer’s journal that invites young readers to do their own spider research.
Bärbel Oftring, Jana Walczyk: Schau mal, eine Schnecke!
Bärbel Oftring, Jana Walczyk

Look, A Snail!

Schau mal, eine Schnecke!
Hey, a snail shell! Children love discovering snails, those little climbing acrobats who carry their own houses on their back. In this book, we follow a land snail on its slow journey through the garden: what does it eat? How do little snail babies grow up? And what’s all that slime for?
Among the fold-out pages is lots more exciting and fascinating information about the land snail and its relatives.
We learn what a snail king is and why snails can creep upside-down and even over razorblades without getting hurt.

• With many fold-out pages
• Comes with a snail explorer’s journal
• A lovingly illustrated nonfiction picture book about a seemingly inconspicuous animal with astounding abilities
Bärbel Oftring, Jana Walczyk: Schau mal, ein Marienkäfer!
Bärbel Oftring, Jana Walczyk

Look, A Ladybug!

Schau mal, ein Marienkäfer!
Look! Who’s crawling over there?
In the first rays of springtime sunlight, a ladybug is emerging from its hiding place. From this point on we accompany this living good luck charm through the year. We observe its development from larvae to __ and to fully-grown beetle, learn that the little insect is good at defending itself from predators, and come to understand why the ladybug likes to spend time with gardeners. We can even peek under its polka-dotted wings!

Under the fold-out pages there are lots more facts about the seven-pointed ladybug and its colourful relatives.

With fold-out pages
With a discoverer’s journal and fact sheet