Daniela Kulot

Most of All, I Like to be Happy!

Am liebsten bin ich froh!

Today I'm happy! How about you?

Sometimes I’m sad, or angry, or brave. But most of all, I like to be happy!
Young children are just learning to identify and name feelings. The colorful illustrations, accompanied by simple rhymes, invite conversation and help children learn about feelings and how to live with them.

Cheerfull illustrations with familiar situations and simple rhymes!

Isabel Pin

Ada's Life

Ada Blackjack

Survival in the Arctic!

This extraordinary nonfiction book, which spans more than a hundred years of history, tells the story of a courageous young Iñupiak woman who joined a dangerous polar expedition and became the only survivor.  Her name was Ada Blackjack.

Ada, born in 1898 in a small town in northwest Alaska near the Bering . We learn of Ada’s childhood and her difficult life as a young woman. In 1921, in order to provide her ill son with treatment, she joins a risky expedition as cook for four men who plan to explore an island north of Siberia.  Life on the island proves very dangerous; the men perish and only Ada and her cat Victoria survive. Ada has to learn everything:  how to hunt, how to shoot a gun, and how to cope with loneliness and her fear of polar bears. 

Sabine Lohf

The Big Gardenbook

Die große Gartenwerkstatt

You'd like to plan your own garden?  Or build an insect house?  Then you came to the right place:  welcome to the garden workshop!  In this book you'll find information about our animal friends and about plant life, but you'll also find step-by-step instructions for planting, building and handiwork.  Whether it's nettle compost in the spring, bee nectar in the summer, or pumpkin owls in the fall, there's a nature project for every time of year in the garden or on the balcony.  

The newest creative workbook by Sabine Lohf turns the garden into a discovery zone for nature lovers young and old.  There are lots of ideas to try out and have fun trying - a rich resource for the entire family!

Cornelia Boese, Dorota Wünsch

Beginning of Term

Lottes erster Schultag

Adventures on the Big Day!

How could anyone oversleep on the first day of school?  Everything is so exciting!  Lotte is quivering with energy.  Her brand-new backpack is full of treasures waiting to be used:  notebooks, a reader, pencils, a sharpener and an eraser, a new sandwich bag – all of the things on Mom’s long shopping list.  Lotte’s cuddle-pig “Monster” was not actually on the list.  But the night before, the pencils, notebooks and readers came alive and created a big stir.  The little pig stepped up and made sure that everything returned to its proper place.  Exhausted, Monster fell asleep in Lotte’s backpack, and so, just this once, Monster is allowed to come along with Lotte as a mascot.    

An amusing gift for first-time schoolkids getting up the nerve to face the big day!

Rotraut Susanne Berner: Winter-Wimmelbuch
Rotraut Susanne Berner


What greater delight for a child than to lie sprawled out on the floor in front of a big picture-book, with hundreds of familiar and unfamiliar things to discover?
Rotraut Susanne Berner has designed just such a book whose large-format pictures show a whole town and its surroundings: a house for several families, a farm, a rail way station, a community centre, a market place, a multi storey department store, and a large park. These pictures tell many little stories of things that happen to people and animals on a winter day, and every child can follow these stories. And since there are plenty of stories to tell about this town throughout the year Rotraut Susanne Berner designed a book for each season. So now everybody can discover for himself how life in the town and its surroundings changes over the year: What kind of games children play and how long it takes for the construction work on the new nursery to be completed.

Rights sold to Belgium/The Netherlands, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Faroe Islands, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Israel, Lithuania, Mongolia, Norway, Poland, Portugal Romania, Russia, Spain, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukra

Rotraut Susanne Berner: Herbst-Wimmelbuch
Rotraut Susanne Berner
What greater delight for a child than to lie sprawled out on the floor in front of a big picture-book, with hundreds of familiar and unfamiliar things to discover?
Rotraut Susanne Berner has designed just such a book whose large-format pictures show a whole town and its surroundings: a house for several families, a farm, a railway station, a community centre, a market place, a multistorey department store, and a large park. These pictures tell many little stories of things that happen to people and animals on a autumm day, and every child can follow these stories. And since there are plenty of stories to tell about this town throughout the year Rotraut Susanne Berner designed a book for each season. So now everybody can discover for himself how life in the town and its surroundings changes over the year: What kind of games children play and how long it takes for the construction work on the new nursery to be completed.

Rights sold to Belgium/The Netherlands, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Faroe Islands, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Israel, Lithuania, Mongolia, Norway, Poland, Portugal Romania, Russia, Spain, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukra

Rotraut Susanne Berner: Sommer-Wimmelbuch
Rotraut Susanne Berner
What greater delight for a child than to lie sprawled out on the floor in front of a big picture-book, with hundreds of familiar and unfamiliar things to discover?
Rotraut Susanne Berner has designed just such a book whose large-format pictures show a whole town and its surroundings: a house for several families, a farm, a rail way station, a community centre, a market place, a multi storey department store, and a large park. These pictures tell many little stories of things that happen to people and animals on a summer day, and every child can follow these stories. And since there are plenty of stories to tell about this town throughout the year Rotraut Susanne Berner designed a book for each season. So now everybody can discover for himself how life in the town and its surroundings changes over the year: What kind of games children play and how long it takes for the construction work on the new nursery to be completed.

Rights sold to Belgium/The Netherlands, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Faroe Islands, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Israel, Lithuania, Mongolia, Norway, Poland, Portugal Romania, Russia, Spain, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukra

Bärbel Oftring, Theresa Schwietzer: Wölfe
Bärbel Oftring, Theresa Schwietzer

Tracking Wolves

While this is cause for delight among many nature lovers, it's cause for concern and fear for others. The wolf has grown unfamiliar: this beautiful native animal was forced out of our forests for many years. How can we rethink our relationship to wolves now that the number of wolf packs in Germany and neighboring countries is increasing?
Following the belief that understanding is the
way to conquer fear, this atmospherically illustrated fact-based book introduces the reader to the life of a family of wolves.

We trace the footsteps—or paw prints—of a young wolf, see how a wolf pack is initially formed, learn about life within the pack, and experience how the next generation of wolves leaves the pack and sets out on its own. Inside the large-format flaps there are attractive infographics and texts that explain facts about wolves' biology and how to interact with them.

With 4 large flaps
Contains many facts about the biology, life, and behavior of wolves, as well as maps that show its habitats in Germany and Europe.
Anita van Saan, Theresa Schwietzer

Little Elephant

Der kleine Elefant
Exploring the Savanna with the Little Elephant

The sun has set in the African savanna. A small elephant beholds the light of the world for the first time. Already the following morning it joins the herd walking through the dry landscape. Fortunately, the large elephants are paying attention. While the little one is growing, there is so much to learn. It's a special treat when the rains come and the little elephant can bathe in the waterhole - just like the other animals in the savanna. In this nonfiction primer with atmospheric illustrations, we follow the little elephant and its herd through the dry and rainy seasons of the savanna, and we learn about the other animals and plants that share the environment.
Judith Burger, Nele Palmtag

Luke, Mimi and the Scare Commando

Luke, Mimi und das Schreckkommando
All of a sudden, Luke and his mother have to relocate. She is separated, and Luke doesn’t understand the world anymore. In their new apartment, chaos reigns. His mother is sad and won’t talk with him about it. No one asks Luke how he feels. Then he meets Mimi, who does whatever she feels like doing. Together with Dilara and Antonia she issues warnings to adults when they don’t behave as she thinks they ought to. And Mimi decides that Luke’s mother needs a similar warning …