Foreign Rights List

Henrike Wilson
Five Nuts, Squirreled Away
Fünf Nüsse für Eichhörnchen
It's fall! The leaves whirl in the wind and the squirrel is beginning to stockpile nuts for the winter. So far, five nuts have been gathered. The squirrel wants to hide them where no one will find them. It does so with great enthusiasm and finds excellent hiding spots. However, it was working with such zeal that it, unlike the reader, didn't notice that other animals were watching the whole time. When winter comes and everything's covered by a thick blanket of snow, the cheerful little squirrel tries to gather its nuts—only to find that the first four have apparently grown legs and escaped! Luckily the fifth and best nut (the one with the tiny hat!) is still there in its fantastic hiding place.
So it's no problem that the other animals helped themselves to his supply.
A book about the art of finding pleasure in what you do have instead of worrying about what you don't. But this is also a story about garden animals and the changing of the seasons, with all its many marvels—lovingly told with atmospheric illustrations by Henrike Wilson.
So it's no problem that the other animals helped themselves to his supply.
A book about the art of finding pleasure in what you do have instead of worrying about what you don't. But this is also a story about garden animals and the changing of the seasons, with all its many marvels—lovingly told with atmospheric illustrations by Henrike Wilson.
Rights sold to China, Denmark, France, Spain and Korea

Rotraut Susanne Berner
Support language acquisition with Wimmlingen
The countless stories told in Rotrauts Susanne Berners Wimmel books have been classic for years. Their wide range of possible applications have also made them popular in preschools, schools, and in speech therapy classrooms. This Wimmel Wordbooks support speech and language acquisition in a brilliant new way - in these editions, every familiar page has an additional margin in which 12-16 objects from the scene are depicted again and named with articles. Each double page is devoted to a different theme.
The countless stories told in Rotrauts Susanne Berners Wimmel books have been classic for years. Their wide range of possible applications have also made them popular in preschools, schools, and in speech therapy classrooms. This Wimmel Wordbooks support speech and language acquisition in a brilliant new way - in these editions, every familiar page has an additional margin in which 12-16 objects from the scene are depicted again and named with articles. Each double page is devoted to a different theme.
Sold to China (simplified Chinese characters), Georgia and Taiwan (complexe Chinese characters)

Einar Turkowski
Out of the shadows stepped a Fox
Aus dem Schatten trat ein Fuchs
“Out of the shadows crept a fox”... this is how Einar Turkowski's new masterpiece begins. For the first time ever, he combines his unique pencil drawings with colour. He takes the viewer on a search for happiness in his very own visual language. The fox roams through the night and a bird of paradise joins him. Both are colourful, both are looking for something, and neither one is quite sure where he’s going.
The landscape sometimes seems enchanted and reassuring, other times forbidding and threatening.
The night is still young, still long. But the more it advances, the more power it gains. The wanderers are close to losing heart and close to giving in to the dark mood. But the colour has been waiting to be found. It shows itself and gives the fox new courage for facing life. And the bird? He too finds his place and enchants us with his sad songs.
The landscape sometimes seems enchanted and reassuring, other times forbidding and threatening.
The night is still young, still long. But the more it advances, the more power it gains. The wanderers are close to losing heart and close to giving in to the dark mood. But the colour has been waiting to be found. It shows itself and gives the fox new courage for facing life. And the bird? He too finds his place and enchants us with his sad songs.

Karsten Teich
Grandpa goes for a bike ride
Paul und Opa fahren Rad
Paul is spending his summer holiday with Grandpa in the country.
Grandpa’s great – but life in the country sure isn’t! No Internet, no cinema – Grandpa doesn’t even have a car! But then the two find a red folding bicycle in a ditch on the side of the road. They work together to fix it up. The tires need to be patched and the chain oiled, and of course it needs working brakes and a bell. Paul also has to get a helmet.
Finally they’re ready and Paul and Grandpa ride uphill and downhill on the path to the lake.
Not even a flat tire can stop them now!
In this heartwarming and humorous picture book, children learn all the essentials about owning and riding a bicycle. It’s a grandfather and grandson holiday adventure for bike-lovers great and small!
Grandpa’s great – but life in the country sure isn’t! No Internet, no cinema – Grandpa doesn’t even have a car! But then the two find a red folding bicycle in a ditch on the side of the road. They work together to fix it up. The tires need to be patched and the chain oiled, and of course it needs working brakes and a bell. Paul also has to get a helmet.
Finally they’re ready and Paul and Grandpa ride uphill and downhill on the path to the lake.
Not even a flat tire can stop them now!
In this heartwarming and humorous picture book, children learn all the essentials about owning and riding a bicycle. It’s a grandfather and grandson holiday adventure for bike-lovers great and small!

Bärbel Oftring, Jana Walczyk
Look, A Ladybug!
Schau mal, ein Marienkäfer!
Look! Who’s crawling over there?
In the first rays of springtime sunlight, a ladybug is emerging from its hiding place. From this point on we accompany this living good luck charm through the year. We observe its development from larvae to __ and to fully-grown beetle, learn that the little insect is good at defending itself from predators, and come to understand why the ladybug likes to spend time with gardeners. We can even peek under its polka-dotted wings!
Under the fold-out pages there are lots more facts about the seven-pointed ladybug and its colourful relatives.
With fold-out pages
With a discoverer’s journal and fact sheet
In the first rays of springtime sunlight, a ladybug is emerging from its hiding place. From this point on we accompany this living good luck charm through the year. We observe its development from larvae to __ and to fully-grown beetle, learn that the little insect is good at defending itself from predators, and come to understand why the ladybug likes to spend time with gardeners. We can even peek under its polka-dotted wings!
Under the fold-out pages there are lots more facts about the seven-pointed ladybug and its colourful relatives.
With fold-out pages
With a discoverer’s journal and fact sheet

Thomas Müller
Animals in the Garden
Tiere im Garten
What's crawling and creeping and flying over there? There are many different animals in the garden to discover! We learn where the peacock butterfly lays its eggs, what the hedgehog eats, and how the wasps buzz around inside their nests. In this book, with seven lovingly designed fold-out pages, you will take a closer look at these and many other animals in the garden.
Brief texts provide some fascinating insights, so you can learn even more about each animal
Brief texts provide some fascinating insights, so you can learn even more about each animal

Daniela Kulot
Me too!
Ich auch!
From head to toe, children love to learn and discover things about their bodies.
And its twice the fun when Mom and Dad are there to help!
An activity book that makes fun to learn facts about your body.
Look at the pictures , read aloud, rhyme along, and play together!
And its twice the fun when Mom and Dad are there to help!
An activity book that makes fun to learn facts about your body.
Look at the pictures , read aloud, rhyme along, and play together!
Jens Sparschuh, Julia Dürr
Jakob's Shell
Jakobs Muschel
When Jakob holds his shell to his ear, he hears the sound of the ocean. And when he closes his eyes, he can even see it. One day, while he’s sitting on the jungle gym between the apartment buildings, who shows up but Jonas — Jonas the cool kid with the expensive tennis and sharp tongue who always picks on him. Quick as a flash, Jonas swipes Jakob’s shell.
While Jonas takes one look down and, frightened of falling, holds on tight with both hands, Jacob closes his eyes, listens to the reclaimed shell, and suddenly he can see him: Jonny the pirate, the notorious thief of the high seas. With that wart on his nose, he sure looks a lot like Jonas. A storm closes in and the pirate ship goes down. Unfortunately not all of the pirates can swim. Does Jonas know how? A humorous story about little tough guys, big dreamers, and the power of the imagination.
(One might consider changing the names to more similar English spellings: Jacob, Jonas, Johnny)
While Jonas takes one look down and, frightened of falling, holds on tight with both hands, Jacob closes his eyes, listens to the reclaimed shell, and suddenly he can see him: Jonny the pirate, the notorious thief of the high seas. With that wart on his nose, he sure looks a lot like Jonas. A storm closes in and the pirate ship goes down. Unfortunately not all of the pirates can swim. Does Jonas know how? A humorous story about little tough guys, big dreamers, and the power of the imagination.
(One might consider changing the names to more similar English spellings: Jacob, Jonas, Johnny)
Dirk Reinhardt
Over the Mountains and Over the Sea
Über die Berge und über das Meer
Every year in spring, the nomads stop by Soraya's village on their way to their summer home in the Afghan mountains. Accompanying them is Tarek, who knows sheep better than anyone else and is a wonderful storyteller. But this year Soraya waits for him in vain. According to an old tradition, as the seventh daughter in her family, she was raised as a boy and was able to move freely and attend school. But as a 14-year-old, she has reached the age where she should be living as a girl again in the quiet of her home. In fact the Taliban has, in no uncertain terms, mandated that she do so. They have also threatened Tarek and expect him to put his excellent animal tracking abilities to work for them. The nomads' plight worsens dramatically. Tarek and Soraya can see no other way and each journey out into the world, without knowing where the other is or what they're doing. Unexpectedly, they cross paths in the mountains.

Thomas Müller
Animals in the City
Tiere in der Stadt
Who’s looking down from the tree? Three little raccoons! Raccoons in the park, bats in the attic, sparrows under the gutter: there are lots of animals to discover in the city! With its carefully-designed fold-out pages, this book introduces the youngest animal lovers to seven furry and feathered city dwellers and shows where they find food and raise their young.