Larissa Bertonasco: La nonna La cucina La vita
Larissa Bertonasco

La nonna la cucina la vita

La nonna La cucina La vita
“My childhood is redolent with the perfumes of Liguria. My memories seems to have sealed in the scents of the sea and of wood, of rosemary and sage, not forgetting moth-balls and spirit, and to guard it like a treasure. This gave me the idea to write a cookery book with recipes of my nonna, my grandmother, along with personal recollections and pictures. The book gathers a number of simple, delicious, traditional dishes, that were the staple of my Italian family. Yet some more elaborate, exquisite recipes for festive occasions can also be found. So enjoy the trip to my nonna’s Finale Ligure, the coastal strip between Genoa and the French border.”

Rights sold to France, Poland, Australia, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Slovenia and Korea

Rotraut Susanne Berner: Ina
Rotraut Susanne Berner
Ina's one for being outside, in the open, in the middle of nature. But the weather doesn't always play ball, and after every hike she always loves to come home because here it's always "sunny weather".

Sold to China, Poland, Korea

Antje Damm: Räuberkinder
Antje Damm

Rascal Children

Rascal children are very naughty. And they have terrible manners – but even rascals love Christmas! They build snowmen, sing Christmas carols, and even decorate the tree together – everything in their own rascally way, of course!
Rotraut Susanne Berner: Nacht-Wimmelbuch
Rotraut Susanne Berner


Wimmlingen at Night - The latest marvel from Rotraut Susanne Berner

Rotraut Susanne Berner's Wimmlingen at Night

Nighttime in Wimmlingen: Humans and animals are sleeping. Most of them, that is. Andrea, for one, cannot sleep because Thomas, who lives on the next floor, is taking a shower. Nico, on the other hand, is fast asleep in his cage, in the dark under its cloth cover. Outside, bats are flitting about, and a hedgehog shuffles through the grass. There's an all-night reading marathon taking place at the Public Library, and in the upper floor, the terrariums of the reptile exposition emit a greenish glow. At the station the night train is ready for departure.
Even though not all that many people are about at night, yet there is a lot going on in this warm summer night. Under cover of darkness, a burglar breaks into a dentist's surgery. Will he make his escape undetected? A night-watchman and his dog are on their round patrolling the local department store. Yet the highlight and concluding episode of this particular adventure must surely be the big festival in the municipal park, complete with fireworks.
As in her four previous books set in Wimmlingen, Rotraut Susanne Berner has once more come up with a cornucopia of little stories, rich in well-observed detail, an atmospheric nocturne that will make for splendid bedtime reading, for big and small alike.

Rights sold to Belgium/The Netherlands, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Faroe Islands, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Israel, Lithuania, Mongolia, Norway, Poland, Portugal Romania, Russia, Spain, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukra

Rotraut Susanne Berner: Petra
Rotraut Susanne Berner
Petra is a regular bookworm. You're bound to find her reading a book, no matter where she might be: in bed, in the loo, or relaxing in a bath.

Rights sold to China, Russia and Poland

Anke Dörrzapf, Claudia Lieb: Die wunderbaren Reisen des Marco Polo
Anke Dörrzapf, Claudia Lieb

Marco Polo. Incredible Travels to the End of the World

Die wunderbaren Reisen des Marco Polo
In 1271, 17-year-old Marco Polo, scion of a Venetian merchant dynasty, embarks on a journey that will take him far beyond the edge of the known world. 25 years later he
returns to tell wondrous tales. »Emperors, kings and princes, knights and citizens – and all of you who are avid to learn about the manifold splendors of the countries of this world - take up this book and have it read to you. Here you will find a plethora of wonderful and remarkable things, indeed …« This is the beginning of one of the world’s greatest tales of travel: Il Milione – The Wonders of the World. And they’re wonderful tales, indeed, that Marco Polo tells us: After visiting Acre, he travels to the Persian Gulf via Baghdad andends up at the court of Kublai Khan.
He enters his services and travels through China and India. After many adventures he finally returns to Venice.

In this opulently designed book the adventures of the famous traveller are retold in a colorful manner. Colorful in a double sense, as Claudia Lieb’s fantastic illustrations, inspired by Asian and Oriental art, commentate and complement a wealth of factual information, resulting in an exhilarating blend that takes us on a reader’s journey from medieval Venice to Beijing and back! A classic gem among the literature of discovery and exploration
recasts in a modern way.

Rights sold to China, Korea, Vietnam and Croatia

Rotraut Susanne Berner: Susanne
Rotraut Susanne Berner
Susanne loves hats and has lots and lots of them. But one day her favourite gets lost…

Sold to China, Korea, Poland

Rotraut Susanne Berner: Winter-Wimmelbuch - Midi
Rotraut Susanne Berner
Winter-Wimmelbuch - Midi
What greater delight for a child than to lie sprawled out on the floor in front of a big picture-book, with hundreds of familiar and unfamiliar things to discover?
Rotraut Susanne Berner has designed just such a book whose large-format pictures show a whole town and its surroundings: a house for several families, a farm, a rail way station, a community centre, a market place, a multi storey department store, and a large park. These pictures tell many little stories of things that happen to people and animals on a winter day, and every child can follow these stories. And since there are plenty of stories to tell about this town throughout the year Rotraut Susanne Berner designed a book for each season. So now everybody can discover for himself how life in the town and its surroundings changes over the year: What kind of games children play and how long it takes for the construction work on the new nursery to be completed.
Rotraut Susanne Berner: Frühlings-Wimmelbuch - Midi
Rotraut Susanne Berner
Frühlings-Wimmelbuch - Midi
What greater delight for a child than to lie sprawled out on the floor in front of a big picture-book, with hundreds of familiar and unfamiliar things to discover?
Rotraut Susanne Berner has designed just such a book whose large-format pictures show a whole town and its surroundings: a house for several families, a farm, a rail way station, a community centre, a market place, a multi storey department store, and a large park. These pictures tell many little stories of things that happen to people and animals on a spring day, and every child can follow these stories. And since there are plenty of stories to tell about this town throughout the year Rotraut Susanne Berner designed a book for each season. So now everybody can discover for himself how life in the town and its surroundings changes over the year: What kind of games children play and how long it takes for the construction work on the new nursery to be completed.
Rotraut Susanne Berner: Sommer-Wimmelbuch - Midi
Rotraut Susanne Berner
Sommer-Wimmelbuch - Midi
What greater delight for a child than to lie sprawled out on the floor in front of a big picture-book, with hundreds of familiar and unfamiliar things to discover?
Rotraut Susanne Berner has designed just such a book whose large-format pictures show a whole town and its surroundings: a house for several families, a farm, a rail way station, a community centre, a market place, a multi storey department store, and a large park. These pictures tell many little stories of things that happen to people and animals on a summer day, and every child can follow these stories. And since there are plenty of stories to tell about this town throughout the year Rotraut Susanne Berner designed a book for each season. So now everybody can discover for himself how life in the town and its surroundings changes over the year: What kind of games children play and how long it takes for the construction work on the new nursery to be completed.
Rotraut Susanne Berner: Meine Kindergartenfreunde aus Wimmlingen
Rotraut Susanne Berner
Meine Kindergartenfreunde aus Wimmlingen
This album provides ample opportunity for its owner and twenty-four of his or her friends to make an entry and sketch a brief self-portrait. What’s more, there’s a birth-day calendar and extra pages for group portraits, in short, everything one might wish for to turn this lovely album into a perfect shrine for treasured memories.Kingdom - a must for fans!

All rights available.

Anke Bär

William's Journey

Wilhelms Reise
The scene is Bremerhaven, the year is 1872. Fleeing the squalor and crippling poverty of his home village, young William embarks the Columbia bound for America. Among his few belongings is a sketch-book to which he commits his various observations on board the ship: the hard work of the sailors, daily tribulations such as vermin or the friction due to overcrowding ‘tween-decks, rough seas and dead calm. On a brighter note, there are pleasant scenes such as children playing or the nocturnal phenomenon of marine phosphorescence. At last the big day has arrived: The Columbia berths at the Port of New York!

Rights sold to USA (English Rights Worldwide)

Rotraut Susanne Berner: Nacht-Wimmelbuch - Midi
Rotraut Susanne Berner
Nacht-Wimmelbuch - Midi
Wimmlingen at Night - The latest marvel from Rotraut Susanne Berner

Rotraut Susanne Berner's Wimmlingen at Night

Nighttime in Wimmlingen: Humans and animals are sleeping. Most of them, that is. Andrea, for one, cannot sleep because Thomas, who lives on the next floor, is taking a shower. Nico, on the other hand, is fast asleep in his cage, in the dark under its cloth cover. Outside, bats are flitting about, and a hedgehog shuffles through the grass. There's an all-night reading marathon taking place at the Public Library, and in the upper floor, the terrariums of the reptile exposition emit a greenish glow. At the station the night train is ready for departure.
Even though not all that many people are about at night, yet there is a lot going on in this warm summer night. Under cover of darkness, a burglar breaks into a dentist's surgery. Will he make his escape undetected? A night-watchman and his dog are on their round patrolling the local department store. Yet the highlight and concluding episode of this particular adventure must surely be the big festival in the municipal park, complete with fireworks.
As in her four previous books set in Wimmlingen, Rotraut Susanne Berner has once more come up with a cornucopia of little stories, rich in well-observed detail, an atmospheric nocturne that will make for splendid bedtime reading, for big and small alike.
Werner Holzwarth, Stefanie Jeschke

I wish I were.... thought the Meerkat

Ich wär so gern...dachte das Erdmännchen
Turn left... straight ahead... to the right... straight ahead... to the left... Meercat keeps a beady eye (or rather two) on his surroundings. He admires his neighbours in the zoo: The chimpanzees who fool around all day long, the bears who are so strong, and, of course, the King of all animals, the lion. And he dreams of being like these animals. If only he knew how much these very animals admire him the sheer surprise would probably send him toppling into the next groundhole. As it is, this smart and nimble little chap remains their secret hero - after all, nobody is quite as alert and quick as him.

Rights sold to Denmark, Chile, Korea, USA (English World Rights), South Africa and China

Thomas Müller: Ein Jahr mit den Schwalben
Thomas Müller

A Year with the Swallows

Ein Jahr mit den Schwalben
Bright chirping, an elegant flight manoeuvre - indeed: the swallows have returned from their winter quarters. We are present as the pair of swallows builds a new nest in the cowshed, as the female lays the eggs and a little later the young hatch, we watch them grow up and make their first attempts to fly. Finally, it is time to say goodbye to the old farm. A long journey begins - across desert and savannah to South Africa. But it's not goodbye forever: one day, they head back north and a new swallow year begins.
A non-fiction picture book in the best tradition that familiarises children with the lives of these lovely migratory birds.

Rights sold to Denmark, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Russia, China, Spain, Japan and Korea

Rotraut Susanne Berner: Herbst-Wimmelbuch - Midi
Rotraut Susanne Berner
Herbst-Wimmelbuch - Midi
What greater delight for a child than to lie sprawled out on the floor in front of a big picture-book, with hundreds of familiar and unfamiliar things to discover?
Rotraut Susanne Berner has designed just such a book whose large-format pictures show a whole town and its surroundings: a house for several families, a farm, a railway station, a community centre, a market place, a multistorey department store, and a large park. These pictures tell many little stories of things that happen to people and animals on a autumm day, and every child can follow these stories. And since there are plenty of stories to tell about this town throughout the year Rotraut Susanne Berner designed a book for each season. So now everybody can discover for himself how life in the town and its surroundings changes over the year: What kind of games children play and how long it takes for the construction work on the new nursery to be completed.
Christine Schulz-Reiss, Claudia Lieb

World Religions

Das Hausbuch der Weltreligionen
Why do Hindus worship plants and animals? Why do Buddhists practice yoga? Why don‘t Jews switch on electric light on a Sabbath? What do Christians celebrate when they take the Eucharist, and what is written in the Quran? Each of these five major religions is a colorful world of its own, opaque and mysterious for outsiders. This opulently designed book bids us enter these worlds and affords a vivid picture of their contents and peculiarities.
Written in a gripping, plastic manner, it reacquaints the reader with what he thought he knew, providing in-depth analyses as well as background information about these alien faiths, showing in the process that, for all their differences, these major religions have a lot in common.
Multiple award-winning illustrator Claudia Lieb has devised a breathtaking visual language which is bound to turn this book into a bibliophile gem.
Daniela Kulot: Reim dich nett ins Bett
Daniela Kulot

Up the wooden Hills to Bedfordshire - Rhyme-wise

Reim dich nett ins Bett
Time to go to sleep - but there’s lots of things to discover on your way to bed. Such as a mouse removing - a louse.

Kids just love rhymes, especially when read to them by a grown-up. This book invites you to read the rhymes aloud, and to make up a few of your own. What’s more, its colourful, imaginative pages just bristle with all kinds of funny little surprising details which children will discover with glee. To round things off, the icon bar on the left page provides a beginner’s pictorial dictionary listing each of the rhyming words next to a picture of the object referred to.

A wonderful bedtime book, one to be read aloud to the kids and a cornucopia of rhymes, all rolled into one – makes going to bed fun three times over!
Bärbel Oftring, Jana Walczyk: Schau mal, eine Schnecke!
Bärbel Oftring, Jana Walczyk

Look, A Snail!

Schau mal, eine Schnecke!
Hey, a snail shell! Children love discovering snails, those little climbing acrobats who carry their own houses on their back. In this book, we follow a land snail on its slow journey through the garden: what does it eat? How do little snail babies grow up? And what’s all that slime for?
Among the fold-out pages is lots more exciting and fascinating information about the land snail and its relatives.
We learn what a snail king is and why snails can creep upside-down and even over razorblades without getting hurt.

• With many fold-out pages
• Comes with a snail explorer’s journal
• A lovingly illustrated nonfiction picture book about a seemingly inconspicuous animal with astounding abilities
Thomas Müller: Tiere in der Stadt
Thomas Müller

Animals in the City

Tiere in der Stadt
Who’s looking down from the tree? Three little raccoons! Raccoons in the park, bats in the attic, sparrows under the gutter: there are lots of animals to discover in the city! With its carefully-designed fold-out pages, this book introduces the youngest animal lovers to seven furry and feathered city dwellers and shows where they find food and raise their young.