Foreign Rights List
Beate Teresa Hanika, Kristina Andres
When Mother Fox sleeps!
Wenn Mama Fuchs schläft
When Mama Fox needs a rest . . .
When the little fox wakes, something seems different. Is it the sunbeam that shines in the foxhole? The little fox yawns and shakes himself. Then he sees it: mama fox is asleep. She didn't make breakfast and hasn't cleaned the den. As he nudges her, she just rolls over and pulls herself closer together. The little fox decides to ask the other animals. Maybe they know what's the matter with mama.
In text and delicate watercolors, here is an atmospheric and warmhearted story of how grownups also need time for themselves. And that's good for little foxes!
Daniela Kulot
Most of All, I Like to be Happy!
Am liebsten bin ich froh!
Today I'm happy! How about you?
Sometimes I’m sad, or angry, or brave. But most of all, I like to be happy!
Young children are just learning to identify and name feelings. The colorful illustrations, accompanied by simple rhymes, invite conversation and help children learn about feelings and how to live with them.
Cheerfull illustrations with familiar situations and simple rhymes!
Sabrina Maria Quint, Henrike Wilson
Max, the Vegetable Hero
Max, der Gemüseheld
Some Like It, Some Don't!
Ferdi Fox loves to eat fruit and vegetables. The other forest animals don't understand that. Just green things? That can't be right - they're not even that tasty! Ferdi starts to wonder if something is wrong with him. Wolf and Bear look on approvingly as Ferdi creeps into the barn and grabs a chicken. Soon, good smells are coming from Ferdi's kitchen. They knock on Ferdi's door asking if they can join Ferdi for lunch, and then a big surprise awaits them.
What people love to eat is always interesting to find out. This book shows that it pays to look beyond our own plates and to taste new dishes. And we learn that food eaten with friends tastes the best of all!

Bärbel Oftring, Theresa Schwietzer
Tracking Wolves
Following the belief that understanding is the
way to conquer fear, this atmospherically illustrated fact-based book introduces the reader to the life of a family of wolves.
We trace the footsteps—or paw prints—of a young wolf, see how a wolf pack is initially formed, learn about life within the pack, and experience how the next generation of wolves leaves the pack and sets out on its own. Inside the large-format flaps there are attractive infographics and texts that explain facts about wolves' biology and how to interact with them.
With 4 large flaps
Contains many facts about the biology, life, and behavior of wolves, as well as maps that show its habitats in Germany and Europe.
Cornelia Franz
Matthis has been roaming the summer forests of Norway with his dog Tara for days. He collects berries, catches fish, makes fires or swims in one of the many lakes. If it weren't for the thoughts of the fight with his parents, the words he had shouted after them, the accident... If only he wasn't always so unrestrained! Out of nowhere, a mysterious girl suddenly appears in the forest who knows how to fry earthworms. Jule speaks little, except when she tells stories about trolls. And she always disappears just as suddenly as she appeared... An adventurous summer story about loud and quiet feelings and life in nature.
Isabel Pin
Ada's Life
Ada Blackjack
Survival in the Arctic!
This extraordinary nonfiction book, which spans more than a hundred years of history, tells the story of a courageous young Iñupiak woman who joined a dangerous polar expedition and became the only survivor. Her name was Ada Blackjack.
Ada, born in 1898 in a small town in northwest Alaska near the Bering . We learn of Ada’s childhood and her difficult life as a young woman. In 1921, in order to provide her ill son with treatment, she joins a risky expedition as cook for four men who plan to explore an island north of Siberia. Life on the island proves very dangerous; the men perish and only Ada and her cat Victoria survive. Ada has to learn everything: how to hunt, how to shoot a gun, and how to cope with loneliness and her fear of polar bears.
Rotraut Susanne Berner
Silke Lambeck, Lena Hesse
The Ahoi Gang
Die Ahoibande
The Ahoy-Gang is coming!
How did Willi get his name? Why does Jojo disappear at every opportunity? How come Paule is always talking with Old Hannes? And: Is Schulz really an islander, even though he comes from Berlin? Those are some of the questions asked on the tiny North Sea island where the four live. Okay, make that three, since Schulz is mostly, but not always there. All the same, they are a true gang. And there's always an adventure when they get together, whether it's spring, summer, fall or winter.
What happens to them - finding beached seals or stolen Viking treasure, or taking part in an island competition - you can read it yourself. Or have someone read it to you. Or read it to others. Ahoy!
Julie Völk
Dragon's Birthday
Birthday Surprise for a Dragon
It’s Fred the Dragon’s birthday! And to celebrate properly, he starts the day by treating himself to coffee and milk in bed, and then a delicious breakfast before he plunges excitedly into preparing for his party. Toni and the dog will come, but unfortunately his other friends either have made other plans or it’s too far to travel. Fred bakes a cake, picks flowers, cleans and decorates. As he brings the table into the garden, he has a huge birthday surprise: all his friends are there! They were hiding in the house. So there’s a lively party with cake, candles, balloons and soap bubbles. What fun it is, when you have friends like these!
Christian Morgenstern, Philip Waechter
The Three Sparrows
Die drei Spatzen
Die Drei Spatzen (The Three Sparrows) is probably Morgenstern's most popular poem for children. Its simple message stirs children and adults alike even today. Philip Waechter's illustrations bring us close to the three small sparrows - so close that we can almost see their tiny hearts beating. There they sit cozily, the three sparrows on their branch, despite the snow and the cold, trusting that one day soon they'll fly again in the springtime sun. . .